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I'll be happy to host a party. We could go wheeling and then get together for a drink or 6. But...I think we should do it in that order. I've already totalled one Jeep this year.
OH this was a bad idea, no one is working , they are all either passed out at the drinking fountains or in the restrooms. Another employee benefit down the drain har har...Wait we have another benefit a free barbeque and you guys to can get one! I'll post details tomorrow!
Originally posted by D4x4Fish
Are they Hirin!
Have cup will travel
One fountain for when your standing, and the other for when your on your knees. Can a hose be hooked up for when I've fallen and can't get up!
Ok guys we got our policy one cup minimum and what else is better at a kegger? A barbeque!!! Right on! The south has been using these for years , just dont get the ones from Target they melt!
OK Hanzo we at MJR now are ready to ROCK!..whats your address???