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Sand Blasting

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  • Sand Blasting

    I plan on starting my Jeep project soon and my first step is the frame. I am going to get it sand-blasted and powdercoated and was wondering if anyone knew about how much it would cost me to get it done. I dont want to get ripped off and im sure somebody in here has had it done in here before. Any replies are appreciated.

  • #2
    Our local shop charges $75 per hour for blasting.
    1994 Toyota, dual cases, 5.29 axles with ARB's


    • #3
      Originally posted by igofshn
      Our local shop charges $75 per hour for blasting.
      Got a number for them? Just to get a quote? Seems cheaper to rent a blaster and do it myself.
      [COLOR="darkred"]"Death Smiles at Everyone... Marines Smile Back."
      Adopt-a-Trail Member.[/COLOR]


      • #4
        I'm at least 4 hours from you, so it wouldn'tbe very beneficial to do it here.
        1994 Toyota, dual cases, 5.29 axles with ARB's


        • #5
          I have a good size compressor and a decent sandblaster my brother built as a college project(engineering student) 20 years ago,but I've seen some people do a nice job with a medium compressor and one of those $15.00 sandblast kits from Lowes(stick the tube in a bucket of black beauty($6.50/50lbs).It can be done.If I'm doing a large project I put it on a big tarp and sweep up the used media and screen it and use it a second time(sometimes a third).I gotta get some pictures of the really LOW-BUCK powered screen my dad built for me!For smaller items I can't say enough about my 960 Skat-Blast cabinet from TP Tools in Ohio.They have a good line of blasting and painting equipment. I went to there facility and got my cabinet on sale in their "scratch and dent" room.
          "Good Girls and Dirty Jeeps" a song by Opal Justice


          • #6
            I was going to attach a photo of my son's YJ frame he did with one of those $15. blaster kits(mind you it wasn't heavily scaled rust) but I guess the Gallery is down.When it's up I'll attach a pic.He did a nice job but it took him a while.
            "Good Girls and Dirty Jeeps" a song by Opal Justice


            • #7
              thanks guys im getting an idea now and kman i would like to see that pic when the gallery gets back up.


              • #8
                Here a picture of his frame,he was installing his Black Diamond Ad-A-Leafs at this point.
                "Good Girls and Dirty Jeeps" a song by Opal Justice


                • #9
                  Heres a shot of the rear.
                  "Good Girls and Dirty Jeeps" a song by Opal Justice


                  • #10
                    This is his YJ that I will be swapping the tub and drivetrain to his fresh frame.This frame was rotted in the steering box area and he picked up the other frame for $150. and got it ready for me to swap it over.
                    "Good Girls and Dirty Jeeps" a song by Opal Justice


                    • #11
                      I think im going to lowes pretty soon, the frame for my CJ isent rough at all I just want to blast it before I start building it up, ur sons frame looks good, give my word of approval to him.....thanks for the replies!!!!


                      • #12

                        Originally posted by JeepMudderKId
                        I think im going to lowes pretty soon, the frame for my CJ isent rough at all I just want to blast it before I start building it up, ur sons frame looks good, give my word of approval to him.....thanks for the replies!!!!
                        Hey, can ya post what equip you get at Lowe's? I'm sorta interested in what it costs, and Lowe's is a bit of a drive for me. Lemme know what you get for PPE also, as I think that is going to be my biggest concern trying to use it on the base here.
                        [COLOR="darkred"]"Death Smiles at Everyone... Marines Smile Back."
                        Adopt-a-Trail Member.[/COLOR]

