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03 Rubicon, 6" FT long arms, 35x12.5 MTRs
"Jeep is a kind of vehicle for which you have to buy a $250 security console in order to install and store a $40 CB radio. " --Me.
OOooo I do have Skype! A couple of my colleagues made me get it because we had to discuss something while all of us were traveling ... but I haven't used it yet
03 Rubicon, 6" FT long arms, 35x12.5 MTRs
"Jeep is a kind of vehicle for which you have to buy a $250 security console in order to install and store a $40 CB radio. " --Me.
OOooo I do have Skype! A couple of my colleagues made me get it because we had to discuss something while all of us were traveling ... but I haven't used it yet
Shockingly, I am "MyJeepRocks." I have tried using it with someone who was on a dial-up connection, but as you may have already guessed, that failed miserably.
I had it installed on my laptop that had a "rain related incident" back in July ... I won't go into the details of the mess but I am pretty proud of this next part:
So I get a replacement laptop that is almost identical to the old one (Sony VAIO T-series) except with 512MB ram and XP Home instead of Pro. The ram part was easy ... just swap the ram from the old dead one to the new one. Replacing XP Home with Pro was a different issue though ... Sony does not send you any recovery CDs.
These things have 1.8" Toshiba 60Gig hard drives in them ... they have a special female interface ide connector that is right now fairly hard to hook up to anything else. I tried other laptops and external hard disk cases (for 1.8" drives etc) but no luck. None of them could read this hard drive. I also didn't want to swap hard drives on the laptop because that requires a total disassembly and these things are SOOOO tiny that I was sure I would screw something up on the new laptop. What to dooo what to dooo ... I wanted to transfer everything from the old hard drive to new.
To make a long story short, this is what I ended up doing:
1. Realized that my tablet PC (NEC Versapad) had the same kind of hard drive as this laptop.
2. Open tablet PC, put old laptop drive in (doesn't fit since the 60Gig is too thick compared to 20Gig but does work when held in with duct tape.
3. Ok ... Tablet PC won't boot from that drive ... what to do next?
4. Get UBCD (ultimate boot CD) and burn on two CDs.
5. Boot Tablet PC to INSERT linux using an external CD drive
6. Boot New laptop to INSERT linux using internal CD drive.
7. Hook up laptop and tablet PC with a cross-over ethernet cable.
8. Fire up the network on both and make them see each other (I used my router to DHCP them IP addresses, then hooked up the crossover).
9. Run netcat and dd on new laptop (nc | dd of=/dev/hda)
10. Run netcat and dd on tablet PC (dd if=/dev/hda | nc)
11. 3 hours later the entire old disk including the partition image, OS, files, settings, and all were transferred to the new laptop
This INSERT linux is amazing. It boots amazingly well, recognizing a lot of crap automatically including USB external hard disks. I was going to use the hard disk at first to transfer the contents of the drive but linux has that 2Gig file limit and I didn't feel like messing with that.
Anyway, if you ever need to do anything similar, let me know. I got to know netcat and dd fairly well. Be VERY careful using DD as you can screw things up royally if you mess up the parameters .. you can basically write any byte to any location on your disk.
03 Rubicon, 6" FT long arms, 35x12.5 MTRs
"Jeep is a kind of vehicle for which you have to buy a $250 security console in order to install and store a $40 CB radio. " --Me.
I'll also add that after reading that, I can say, with a large amount of certainty, that neither Seapahn, nor anyone who actually understood what he wrote, will ever be "the coolest".
In fact, I don't think even Seapahn knows what he wrote. I think Seapahn just blindly pounded out a long post full of crap that means absolutely nothing, just so he can fool everyone into thinking he knows a bunch of crap about stuff that the rest of us don't even know exists, let alone understand. In fact, I don't think Seapahn even owns a computer! I think he is posting from the local hippy coffee shop from a rent-a-computer.
But, being the open minded guy I am, I am willing to give Seapahn a chance to prove himself. All he has to do is get my laptop to talk to my FU@$!NG DESKTOP SO I CAN PRINT MY FU@$!NG HOMEWORK!!!!! :mad:
Ok, I'm leaving now.
olllllllo <--- If you can read that, roll me over!
Its called a hammer . . . use it . . . embrace it . . .
LMAO---I thought about that....but the damn laptop cost more than the axles for my next jeep.....so I am exercizing a huge amount of restraint, and leaving the hammer in the garage.
olllllllo <--- If you can read that, roll me over!
Hey goodtimes ... your bitching about me being the coolest brought back some hillarious flashbacks from the campfire and John's daughter ... do I need to remind you who she thought was the coolest in the entire group? :wink:
As far as your laptop talking to your desktop, just email yourself the files if you can get on the net from both. If not, use one of those elcheapo USB stick memory drives ... if not, hook your laptop to your digital camera, copy your homework files to the camera, then hook the camera up to the PC, and copy the homework files.
If dem's too many words, then read what Chris said.
03 Rubicon, 6" FT long arms, 35x12.5 MTRs
"Jeep is a kind of vehicle for which you have to buy a $250 security console in order to install and store a $40 CB radio. " --Me.
By the way, I wanted to point out my use of duct tape in step 2 in the long post above
03 Rubicon, 6" FT long arms, 35x12.5 MTRs
"Jeep is a kind of vehicle for which you have to buy a $250 security console in order to install and store a $40 CB radio. " --Me.
I am currently e-mailing them to myself....I'd rather just hit print on the laptop though.
And you do realize that John's daughter was, what, 12 years old? And you do remember the end of the conversation, right? Remember what game she wanted to play? (although it was rather amusing when we sent her after Hobies buddy....)
olllllllo <--- If you can read that, roll me over!