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what do you think?
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if you can afford it, try to look at 6 cylinder vehicles...youll be alot happier with it. Not that theres ANYTHING wrong with a 4 banger. But once you raise it and put bigger tires on, youll notice it more.
We all kinda keep our eyes out, whats your budget?
Tam2002 TJ on 35s a bit of lift with some stuff
Rock-ItMan all the way around
Jeep Gal, I would have to agree about the 4 banger, untill you get the new 2.4
it has 145 ponies and gets great gas mileage, infact ask Sam15 if he could even tell I have one as we were doing 75 down hiway86 a few weeks ago.
with big tires and regeared the new 4 banger rockscensored for having an opinion