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April 13th is IDTT - would be great to see you guys! All the regulars are on Facebook these days, taking pictures of their lunches and pets, commenting on them all day.
April 13th is IDTT - would be great to see you guys! All the regulars are on Facebook these days, taking pictures of their lunches and pets, commenting on them all day.
Agreed. This forum was a hoppin place for a long time...sad...See you in Calico.
April 13th is IDTT - would be great to see you guys! All the regulars are on Facebook these days, taking pictures of their lunches and pets, commenting on them all day.
HAHAHA!! Yeah pics wont let me upload, too big. Bummer I'll be out of town for IDTT this year
“Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way. ”
-Gen. George S. Patton Jr.