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Aww, this wasn't something I expected to see this morning! You guys are the best!!! Thanks for the birthday wishes, I hope Rick bought my present already hehe
Aww, this wasn't something I expected to see this morning! You guys are the best!!! Thanks for the birthday wishes, I hope Rick bought my present already hehe
Rick, if your reading this... it's your official reminder. Remember... stop on the way home and pick something up.
Just kidding.. I'm sure you have things under control.
Thank you! Those guys at NASA need to invent a fancy machine that moves people instantly around as they wish: Then we can all sit around for lunch and have a brew (One of B&T's, of course)
Thank you! Those guys at NASA need to invent a fancy machine that moves people instantly around as they wish: Then we can all sit around for lunch and have a brew (One of B&T's, of course)
Ummmm... we have one of those.. ermmm.... yea.. us NASA guys need to invent that ASAP.
Aww, this wasn't something I expected to see this morning! You guys are the best!!! Thanks for the birthday wishes, I hope Rick bought my present already hehe
Happy birthday!!! I hope you're kidding... maybe if we get the RE group buy done by the end of the day you'll have the receipt for your present anyways...lol