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that one time, forever ago? that was when rick was selling his welder. obviously, the guy didn't read the description, or didn't understand english very well. oh well, can't please 'em all, especially when they can't read! LOL
That's not a story. You suck at storytelling. People on ebay are wack. They want something really, really good, really really cheap. Thats not how the real world functions. Well, except for Erik.
I'm a Daddy!!
[COLOR=DarkRed] Rear bumper/tire carrier and front bumper!![/COLOR]
Hahaha, yeah, sorry for the crappy storie.
I'm sure Rick can give you a better story, he was the one dealing with the psycho-guy. LOL
And yes, people on ebay ARE whack. How can you have high expectations for something that says, "good for parts, welder does not work as is?"