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Besides, Ive learned that usually the SUPER hot chicks are complete bitches.... My ex of ten yrs was gorgeous. All in all, in hindsight, she was the worst person Ive ever had in my life. My new gf isnt all that hot per se, but she treats me like a king.... You'll never find both unless your rich and have a horse endowment.
1st batch TJ bought August of 96. Locked and Loaded!
Besides, Ive learned that usually the SUPER hot chicks are complete bitches.... My ex of ten yrs was gorgeous. All in all, in hindsight, she was the worst person Ive ever had in my life. My new gf isnt all that hot per se, but she treats me like a king.... You'll never find both unless your rich and have a horse endowment.
Sounds like your new girlfriend (real one) is the hottest chick you've ever had. Keep her. Hot chicks are for porn.