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Anyone with a truck and flatbed trailer willing to help me tow an old CJ home?


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  • Anyone with a truck and flatbed trailer willing to help me tow an old CJ home?

    So I'm going to be picking up an old CJ2a the weekend after next (Saturday the 14th), I know worst case I could rent a Uhaul truck and a vehicle hauler flat-bed, but that will end up costing me like $200 (not including fuel). The owner of the CJ suggested that I upgrade my AAA account to get more free hauling miles, but from what I have heard and read, they won't always agree to haul a vehicle that isn't broken down, especially for 90 miles. I don't want to take the chance that I get up there and they tell me they won't tow it.

    So, before I schedule to rent the Uhaul stuff, I'm wondering if there's anyone here on MJR who has a truck and flatbed who wouldn't mind spending 1/2 a saturday to help me get that CJ home? I will pay for the fuel and meals along the way, and give you cash to fill the tank back up again on your way back home. Or if you just have a truck, I could rent just the flatbed, $60 for one day.

    The CJ runs just fine, it's just that I don't want to brave the freeways in the CJ with a top speed of 40mph, and drum brakes that don't stop to quickly, especially when I'm not used to driving it yet. If there was a way to get back home easilly and avoid the freeways, I would probably drive it home. But I've got to cut all the way through Los Angeles diagonally, I don't think there's anyway to take back roads.

    So, the CJ is located in Hesperia, and I'm located just north of LAX, south of Santa Monica (Westchester, 90045). Depending on where you are located, if you are near me, you could just pick me up and we ride together up there. If you are not near me, I could drive my TJ and meet you in Hesperia, and just follow you back to my place (or you follow me, which ever)

    Anyway, I'd like to find away around Uhaul, but worst case I have to use them it won't be horrible.
    [COLOR="#FF0000"]R[/COLOR]edneck [COLOR="#FF0000"]D[/COLOR]riveway [COLOR="#FF0000"]F[/COLOR]ab - -

  • #2
    Originally posted by daniel_buck View Post
    So I'm going to be picking up an old CJ2a the weekend after next (Saturday the 14th), I know worst case I could rent a Uhaul truck and a vehicle hauler flat-bed, but that will end up costing me like $200 (not including fuel). The owner of the CJ suggested that I upgrade my AAA account to get more free hauling miles, but from what I have heard and read, they won't always agree to haul a vehicle that isn't broken down, especially for 90 miles. I don't want to take the chance that I get up there and they tell me they won't tow it.

    So, before I schedule to rent the Uhaul stuff, I'm wondering if there's anyone here on MJR who has a truck and flatbed who wouldn't mind spending 1/2 a saturday to help me get that CJ home? I will pay for the fuel and meals along the way, and give you cash to fill the tank back up again on your way back home. Or if you just have a truck, I could rent just the flatbed, $60 for one day.

    The CJ runs just fine, it's just that I don't want to brave the freeways in the CJ with a top speed of 40mph, and drum brakes that don't stop to quickly, especially when I'm not used to driving it yet. If there was a way to get back home easilly and avoid the freeways, I would probably drive it home. But I've got to cut all the way through Los Angeles diagonally, I don't think there's anyway to take back roads.

    So, the CJ is located in Hesperia, and I'm located just north of LAX, south of Santa Monica (Westchester, 90045). Depending on where you are located, if you are near me, you could just pick me up and we ride together up there. If you are not near me, I could drive my TJ and meet you in Hesperia, and just follow you back to my place (or you follow me, which ever)

    Anyway, I'd like to find away around Uhaul, but worst case I have to use them it won't be horrible.
    Pulling a coil wire or what not will fix the AAA vehicle not broke down requirement.
    I have a wedding of one of my buddy's to attend on the 14th or I would help ya. Triple AAA long distance towing would be a good idea regardless


    • #3
      I would help Daniel but I have to work that day. Long Beach Grand Prix.
      Check out .


      • #4
        Just upgrade to AAA plus and get the 100 mile tow. They will never know it runs or not as long as you dont tell them. It will also be cheaper if you do it that way. I think you can just tell them where to pick it up also and sign for it when it get to your place but better call them on that one.


        • #5
          we still need to exchange some paperwork I think, so I'm going to be there with the jeep.
          [COLOR="#FF0000"]R[/COLOR]edneck [COLOR="#FF0000"]D[/COLOR]riveway [COLOR="#FF0000"]F[/COLOR]ab
 - -


          • #6
            Originally posted by Jeeperator View Post
            Just upgrade to AAA plus and get the 100 mile tow. They will never know it runs or not as long as you dont tell them. It will also be cheaper if you do it that way. I think you can just tell them where to pick it up also and sign for it when it get to your place but better call them on that one.
            Beau-- what the details on that? Can I just call and get it? How much it the AAA 100 mile tow?

            ***DISREGARD****I'll research it..don't want to bug ya about it...
            Last edited by I H8RDS; 04-06-12, 03:28 PM.
            Jeep Girl


            • #7
              I have been towed from JV to Yucaipa twice and the driver told me it would have been almost $400.00 ea, if I didn't have the card. I have the 300 mile card. Think about it if your going to the Rubicon. It's easy to get and cancel when you need it.

              Better To Burn Out Than To Rust Out!


              • #8
                Originally posted by curtis View Post
                I have been towed from JV to Yucaipa twice and the driver told me it would have been almost $400.00 ea, if I didn't have the card. I have the 300 mile card. Think about it if your going to the Rubicon. It's easy to get and cancel when you need it.
                I'll second and third that. AAA has saved me twice. Didnt cost a dime. Once from temecula and once from BB. Platinum AAA rocks!
                [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
                [/COLOR]Join the Resistance...


                • #9
                  If I dont have to work I can help you. I'll know the week before. If you havent already found another way let me know.
                  [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
                  [/COLOR]Join the Resistance...


                  • #10
                    RAT, I've not found anyone yet, if you are busy, I will just go the Uhaul route. As much as the AAA route sounds good, I just don't want to take a chance that they will refuse to tow it, I will not lie and say that it's not running, I'd just rather not do that.
                    [COLOR="#FF0000"]R[/COLOR]edneck [COLOR="#FF0000"]D[/COLOR]riveway [COLOR="#FF0000"]F[/COLOR]ab
           - -


                    • #11
                      So if I don't already have AAA, is there somewhere else I can buy something similar? Be smart for me, being I have to drive so far all the time.
                      Jeep Girl


                      • #12
                        I don't know what else is similar, but I've used AAA several times in the passed to tow my vehicle home, or to a shop when I've broken down. If you are broken down, there's pretty much no questions asked. My jeep has never needed a tow, but my previous vehicles have.
                        [COLOR="#FF0000"]R[/COLOR]edneck [COLOR="#FF0000"]D[/COLOR]riveway [COLOR="#FF0000"]F[/COLOR]ab
               - -


                        • #13
                          If you do not have AAA, (I don't) you have to sign up under the Classic membership only..6 miles towing only. That' ain't gonna cut it for me. If I'm in town, I have plenty of friends with towing capabilities. I need big miles towing for when I'm wheeling.
                          Jeep Girl


                          • #14
                            You can't sign up for the upgraded memberships from the get go? dang, that sucks!
                            [COLOR="#FF0000"]R[/COLOR]edneck [COLOR="#FF0000"]D[/COLOR]riveway [COLOR="#FF0000"]F[/COLOR]ab
                   - -


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by daniel_buck View Post
                              You can't sign up for the upgraded memberships from the get go? dang, that sucks!
                              That's what I'm sayin'...Lame right? Why wouldn't you just want to take all my money from the get-go? Guess they need to see a track record first. Have to be a member for a year first before I can upgrade to any kind of miles for towing. Is there not any other company out there that doesn't have this requirement?
                              Jeep Girl

