WARM WHISKEY AND HONEY! Holy cow! It really is good.
A girl at work told me (because my voice was almost completely gone most of the day) to take some warm whiskey and honey. Well I didn't have any honey, but I did happen to have some Drambuie (Scotch whisky, honey and herbs/spices) in the back of the liquor cabinet. I don't have a cold or anything, just once a year my throat starts hurting like crazy and my voice goes. Happens every year without fail. Don't know why.
I took one sip, and I kid you not my voice came back almost completely. It's kinda crazy. My throat feels quite a bit better too, it still kinda hurts.... but I got alot left in the bottle, I'm sure I'll feel fine pretty soon
Just passing it on if anyone else has a sore throat! Just don't take any medicine afterwords, medicine and whiskey probably don't mix.
A girl at work told me (because my voice was almost completely gone most of the day) to take some warm whiskey and honey. Well I didn't have any honey, but I did happen to have some Drambuie (Scotch whisky, honey and herbs/spices) in the back of the liquor cabinet. I don't have a cold or anything, just once a year my throat starts hurting like crazy and my voice goes. Happens every year without fail. Don't know why.
I took one sip, and I kid you not my voice came back almost completely. It's kinda crazy. My throat feels quite a bit better too, it still kinda hurts.... but I got alot left in the bottle, I'm sure I'll feel fine pretty soon

Just passing it on if anyone else has a sore throat! Just don't take any medicine afterwords, medicine and whiskey probably don't mix.