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Does this look like MyYotaRocks.com to you? He he he. Just giving you a hard time my friend, no offense intended. All though you must admit that was a bit funny
Does this look like MyYotaRocks.com to you? He he he. Just giving you a hard time my friend, no offense intended. All though you must admit that was a bit funny
You didn't have to Bash on me or my Yota... LOL
I belong to many groups but this is the only Jeep group I can tolerate, Good group of people with decent sense of humor and not into the brand bashing like some. Just like the people that drive same vehicle that I do that have distinct hate for Jeeps I dont associate with because it does nothing to promote possitive image of our Hobby. That being said some friendly joking is very welcome and no offense was taken at your comment. My mall crawler and I will be sulking in the corner now.