My wife and boys got me an early birthday present at LA Racing out at Irwindale Speedway. 20 Laps in a pro stock car, 500+ hp in a 2300 lb car, it was a blast! If you are looking for a fun way to spend a morning, not a bad way to go. You get to go out 4 cars at a time, passing is allowed (under their control, meaning they radio the slow car to move inside and then clear you to pass, but they do it quick so you don't have to slow down too much), you can go as fast as you dare.
radio buds in

I got car 12

Getting in, tougher than a jeep

Strapped in a ready to go

On the line

Full Throttle out of turn 2

Coming in to turn 1

The family, thanks for the fun b-day present!!
radio buds in

I got car 12

Getting in, tougher than a jeep

Strapped in a ready to go

On the line

Full Throttle out of turn 2

Coming in to turn 1

The family, thanks for the fun b-day present!!
