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Wow, that's great Kurt. Maybe this weekend you could tuck the boy's back and do an air guitar solo for all of us all in JV.
See here's the thing. I still got my bys cuz I got out of the being married business. While you on the other hand... I'll bring my air guitar for the fire side show.
Although it sounds like he has a band backing him up, he is playing this solo.
And the YouTube video isn't too shabby, either. None of the girls in the video were born when the music was recorded (1968).
Thanks for jumping in everybody! I needed the break!
Here's a few favorite guitar men of mine:
Elmore James - Slide Guitar
Roy Rogers - Slide guitar
Sunny Landreth - Slide guitar
Dale 'Smokey' - Lohman - Steel guitar (Member of Hank William's Band, the Drifting Cowboys)
Eric Clapton
Jimi Hendrix
Robin Trower
Richie Blackmore (old stuff - new stuff sucks)
Stevie Ray Vaughn
BB King
Albert King
Bo Didily
Buddy Holly
Dick Dale
Chet Adkins
T-Bone Walker
Yikes! I better stop! There's way to many to list!
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OK I have to mention one OUTSTANDING guitar player, or should i say Bass Guitar... Flea from the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I mean how many bands have bass guitar solos?
Clapton, Yngwie Mamstein, and a few others. I am not a music head so listen and appreciate but never remember band names, songs let alone individuals.
Ok, you're changing topics. Andy McKee might not have the best guitar "solo" in the same fashion as an Eddie Van Halen solo... if you're getting into finger picking and that style, you also need to check out these: