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Elvira, Mistress of the Dark has returned. The world is free of tyranny and oppression again. She has a new tv show coming out. I guess I will have to start watching tv again! WOOT!
Many years ago Cassandra bought some awards for a dog show from me. She is even better in person. She made my day!
Over 2500 hours donated to the San Bernardino National Forest. Life member of CA4WD, CORVA & BRC. Tread Lightly Trainer. Reforestation Supervisor. CASSP
Many years ago Cassandra bought some awards for a dog show from me. She is even better in person. She made my day!
She is a good looking woman. I saw her in person when she had her red hair. She was wearing a latex body suit. Smmmmokkkin h h h h h hotttttttt. I love that woman.