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Steve Wynn takes on Washington


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  • Steve Wynn takes on Washington

    Thought his comments were interesting, especially in light of the jobs report yesterday that said 96% of the jobs created the previous period were census takers:

  • #2
    not only were the jobs created was the only reason we showed an increase, the jobs lost and non census jobs created would have shown a huge loss.
    At this moment we are loosing city, county and state jobs from around the country like never before as these governments scramble to meet budgets. And our Leaders in Washington still try to rearrange the figures to show they have it under control. The truth of the matter is we need to get down to basic economical doctrine. We can no longer believe that a service economy will rule over a manufacturing economy, eventually the money shows up where the product is being made. We have now grown into a economy that is exporting the riches we developed since WWII to China as we are addicted to their cheap and throwaway products like a addict on crack. Denial is where we are at and like a junkie we will have to reach rock bottom to decide that we need to start being a manufacturing society. Part of that is a huge reversal in the welfare state we have become.

    this is not our problem alone, look back at Rome, we live such as they did before the fall. Every great society has fallen because of the ideas of those who want to help those who will not help their selves. Even the Bible quotes the poor will be with you always. And that god helps those who help themselves.
    If you are physically or mentally impaired you have SSI, If you are to lazy to work you have welfare, so we import illegal workers to fill the jobs we will not let our own hold and complain of the drain on resources they create.
    But then why should a welfare person get off, they receive free food, housing, utilities and enough money to buy clothes and such, plus a medical plan that has no co-pays and will take care of everything. Nothing is required and the retirement is 100%. The value of this lifestyle is estimated at 42,000 a year in gross pay.
    I cannot believe that a nation that has had free public education since the 1800s, and programs to keep kids in school, laws about equal opportunity and is the leader in free speech can still be hoorawed by guys claiming they did not have the same chances as others. It would take little research to figure out they never applied themselves and were carried along using every public subsidy they could find.
    Our nation was great because we let anyone who wanted to achieve what their personal goals were, however we included in the last 50 years living off those who applied themselves.

    Unless we turn our ways around and start to deal with real issues instead of issues that draw votes, we will have such a collapse our life savings will be next to nothing.
    Our destiny is in those who want change and will vote out those who do not provide it. Now if we can override the people who depend on Government for a handout we can change it. I fear the point of a majority is long past however as the amount of people employed by, or receiving from the government is past 50%
    Have Smackos, will travel


    • #3
      Well said and sad but very true.

      Better To Burn Out Than To Rust Out!


      • #4
        Good writing Beatrice, well thought out and articulated.
        SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
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