What an excellent weekend!
So, for my birthday this year, Carmen got me tickets to see Santana at the Hard Rock Casino... We just got back from Vegas and wanted to share some of the pictures and other stuff...
The show was titled "Supernatural - A Trip Through The Hits". Santana and his two lead singers, Anthony Vargas and Tony Linday, put on one heck of a great show! They performed for over 2 hours!
If I could change one thing about the show, it would have been this... Why do singers, artists, actors, etc. think that the stage is their platform to spew their political beliefs and leanings? I "learned" that Arizona is full of "hate" and that Arizonans should "Love More" and realize that the law that the governor signed is all about "hate and that they need to learn how to love their brethren from the south". I am not going to use this thread to share my thoughts about the immigration issue and far overdue law that was signed by the governor of Arizona... I will go over to the other thread for that...
But here are some of the pictures...
It was about this point that Santana took a little singing break... and it was at this point also that Carmen and I think that he was very likely stoned out of his mind... Now for the legal caviat... Him being stoned is only our opinion and has not been verified by urine or blood tests. It is not the opinion of the owner of this website, television station, bla bla bla bla... He began to expound on his belief that "we are all the 'lights' of the world"... "God doesn't believe in sin"... Godzilla was in Bible... "Dorothy had a great 'awakening' when she looked behind the curtain and realized that we are all great and all pure and all bla bla bla..." and that "if we all would just love one another, then borders wouldn't matter"...
A huge "Thank you!" and a big "I love you!" to my awesome wife Carmen! A birthday to remember!
So, for my birthday this year, Carmen got me tickets to see Santana at the Hard Rock Casino... We just got back from Vegas and wanted to share some of the pictures and other stuff...
The show was titled "Supernatural - A Trip Through The Hits". Santana and his two lead singers, Anthony Vargas and Tony Linday, put on one heck of a great show! They performed for over 2 hours!
If I could change one thing about the show, it would have been this... Why do singers, artists, actors, etc. think that the stage is their platform to spew their political beliefs and leanings? I "learned" that Arizona is full of "hate" and that Arizonans should "Love More" and realize that the law that the governor signed is all about "hate and that they need to learn how to love their brethren from the south". I am not going to use this thread to share my thoughts about the immigration issue and far overdue law that was signed by the governor of Arizona... I will go over to the other thread for that...
But here are some of the pictures...
It was about this point that Santana took a little singing break... and it was at this point also that Carmen and I think that he was very likely stoned out of his mind... Now for the legal caviat... Him being stoned is only our opinion and has not been verified by urine or blood tests. It is not the opinion of the owner of this website, television station, bla bla bla bla... He began to expound on his belief that "we are all the 'lights' of the world"... "God doesn't believe in sin"... Godzilla was in Bible... "Dorothy had a great 'awakening' when she looked behind the curtain and realized that we are all great and all pure and all bla bla bla..." and that "if we all would just love one another, then borders wouldn't matter"...
A huge "Thank you!" and a big "I love you!" to my awesome wife Carmen! A birthday to remember!