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  • #61
    First few days with Cocoa have been interesting. She just slept most of Friday night and Saturday, due to stress and adjustment I think (she also received some shots on Saturday too). Sunday she showed a bit more vigor, and finally mastered the stairs. No accidents in the house Sunday night, and her self-chosen "spot" outside to do her business is in the bushes, so works great for us. However it was still a perplexing beginning. She was not very attentive to us. Would not come when called, showed very little interest in anything. Not balls, not sticks, not treats, etc... Really no sense of play...or genuine puppyness. She would have little 5 minute burst of energy where she'd follow us around the yard at a romp, then she would wander off and lay down again.

    Today, she's a totally different animal. 100% more playful and way more energy. She's beginning to discover the joy of being athletic. She's taken to chomping on a bully stick with a will, she's taken a liking to a certain ball, and this afternoon she started jumping through the hoop of a tire swing we have. Cool! But there is another moment I need to share... that same dog was licking the outside of her leg and tipped over. LOL!
    Off road adventure photography:

    TreadLightly Trainer
    Wilderness First Aid (WFA)
    HAM - KI6PFO

    2005 Rubicon Unlimited + trailer


    • #62
      Congrats on your new addition Nathan after the lose of Roxy.

      Our pets become such a member of our families that it is hard to loose one.

      Proud to be an American! Sharetrails/BRC President.
      Sponsors: BFG, Raceline, Advance Adapters, Currie, T&T Customs.


      • #63
        Originally posted by nwoods View Post
        ... But there is another moment I need to share... that same dog was licking the outside of her leg and tipped over. LOL!
        Grace is certainly not Rubi's middle name. She is such a clutz. Im sure shes got some of the same genes there.

        Im pretty sure that Cocoa's just acclimating to her new surroundings. It does sound like shes beginning to bond with you guys though.

        2002 TJ on 35s a bit of lift with some stuff
        Rock-ItMan all the way around


        • #64
          Originally posted by JeepGal View Post
          Grace is certainly not Rubi's middle name. She is such a clutz. Im sure shes got some of the same genes there.

          Im pretty sure that Cocoa's just acclimating to her new surroundings. It does sound like shes beginning to bond with you guys though.

          There are more than a few people here who have seen Ozzi pull some really hilarious stunts. When he meets a girl dog he goes crazy showing off, and usually winds up smacking his noggin on some corner or sharp metal object. The sound it makes is pretty funny too; like a ripe melon being thumped. Not the sharpest nail in the box, if ya know what I mean, but he sure has fun. I knew Cocoa would brighten up; Oz did the same thing. We pulled them out of their big family and put them in strange surroundings. She'll come around for you.
          [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
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