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Fort Hunter Liggett, Bradley, CA


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  • #16
    good luck!

    95 yj, locked lifted, and ready to rock!


    • #17
      Don't pull a Dick Cheney!!!
      That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.


      • #18
        That is some beautiful country! Kinda reminds me of where I lived as a little kid, except we didn't have elk. Great pics
        holes = cowbell


        • #19
          got a couple bucks, some rabbit, couple ducks. no pigs. found track but no pig. probably walked 20 miles. am beat.
          Ford Raptor 6.2l


          • #20
            Damn . . . I was hopin for some BBQ pig. You planning to grill up some venison or thumper?
            That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Schmo View Post
              Damn . . . I was hopin for some BBQ pig. You planning to grill up some venison or thumper?
              venison????? No deer was shot. But I got 2 bucks from the girl at jack in the box from breakfast.

              check out the pics on
              Ford Raptor 6.2l


              • #22
                Originally posted by womb raider 940 View Post
                venison????? No deer was shot. But I got 2 bucks from the girl at jack in the box from breakfast.

                check out the pics on

                Nice gili suit . . . I think you've been playing a bit too much MW2!!!
                That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.


                • #23
                  aren't you the guy who is against killing defenseless animals.
                  Ford Raptor 6.2l


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by womb raider 940 View Post
                    aren't you the guy who is against killing defenseless animals.
                    I'm all for you doing it . . . your karma . . . not mine Don't be pissed at me if you come back as a pig or deer in your next life and have some asshole shooting at you!!!
                    Last edited by Schmo; 02-02-10, 09:41 PM.
                    That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.


                    • #25
                      Tell the damn story!
                      Go ahead... some of us want to hear about the trip.

                      95 yj, locked lifted, and ready to rock!


                      • #26
                        was a fun trip.

                        the drive out there was interesting. I ran into a big black guy who kept asking me for money. he said he ran out of gas and is driving to tennessee. an idiot. I then told him I cant help him out. he then goes on to say that in the bible it says you have to help your brother out. then I proceed to tell him I dont believe in god and so forth. Nicely. after that he blows up and starts telling me I am going to burn in hell and so forth and bla bla bla.

                        pretty funny but some people have serious problems.

                        got out there around 10 at night. was pouring down rain. slept in the truck till 3:30. got up got ready registered and headed down range.

                        heard coyotes having fun in the distance. then heard the elk. amazing animals. maybe a mile from where we were.

                        anyways. we were walking thru the thick brush and got some ducks. about 20 flew right near us. we got some.

                        hunted on and off thru the weekend. got some quail as well.

                        we walked nearly 25 miles. am sore as hell. found some pig tracks but came to a fence we thought was private land. turned out there was just patches of fencing inside this place. we only walked maybe a third of the area.

                        planning another trip soon.
                        Ford Raptor 6.2l

