I have done some exhaustive research on the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald by Jack Ruby.
The CIA actually killed Mr. Oswald to cover up their involvement with the assisination of President Kennedy. Below is their verison of the photo of Jack Ruby shooting Lee Harvey Oswald in the basement of the Dallas Police Department. How on earth is a rational person supposed to believe this could have happened in a police station??
Here's the Photo as "doctored up" by the CIA:

After years of research, I uncovered the true photo showing what was going on in the basement of the Dallas PD. that day:

The CIA actually killed Mr. Oswald to cover up their involvement with the assisination of President Kennedy. Below is their verison of the photo of Jack Ruby shooting Lee Harvey Oswald in the basement of the Dallas Police Department. How on earth is a rational person supposed to believe this could have happened in a police station??
Here's the Photo as "doctored up" by the CIA:

After years of research, I uncovered the true photo showing what was going on in the basement of the Dallas PD. that day:
