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Jill goes crazy when the dishwasher runs, especially when the water runs in there. It seems like a ridiculous thing, and that she would be used to the noises by now. :confused:
Originally posted by sarah Jill goes crazy when the dishwasher runs, especially when the water runs in there. It seems like a ridiculous thing, and that she would be used to the noises by now.
You named your dog Jill? What kind of dog name is that?!?!?! ROFL!!!!!!!!!!
We don't have dogs either. But our son Sean likes to turn the thing off, or he'll change the settings or turn the dial. When he turns it off, he just opens it. I think I would rather have a dog barking at it. Then that way the dishes would be done
1993 Wrangler Black, 4" ProComp Lift, 33s.
Glad to be back in California!