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Is this a run? I wanna go! HEHE dont tell my wife though lol.Oh wait she dont care. actually cant you just drive arround in circles until his plane come in or jut show up 15 to 20 min late and he should be ready to go when you get there why wait for him. Why didnt he fly into ontario it would be easier for you wouldnt it?
Last Night on Seinfeld, George had it figured out that 18 minutes after the arrival time would put the passengers through luggage and to the front door! No need to park. But some corruption from Kurt would be good for Roger! Where should we all meet up?
Kurt & I didn't get in any trouble The In N Out is right under the arrival end of one of the runways so Kurt worked on his photography skills. The fog was coming in and the coolest con-trails were coming off the wings of some of the aircraft.
It's freakin' hard to get a good shot of a B-747 coming over you at 180 MPH!
Thanks Kurt for hangin' out. Enjoy the bottle of paint remover...
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