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Max7 Reporting live from Washington D.C.

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  • Max7 Reporting live from Washington D.C.

    CPAC 2009

    Dear Friends,

    I am inspired that you are interested in what I have to say, so first, I would like to thank you for listening!! Please excuse my molting process for those that have experienced discomfort from the way you may have experienced my approach. (sense of humor required). Caps unplugged.

    I have been in Washington DC for two of the the three day Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC 2009).

    CPAC is a positively charged porthole into the future of the Conservative Political Movement. A record 8,500 registrants showed up this year to see a diverse group of guest speakers including some of my favorites , like Sen. Jim Demint(SC), Sen. John Boenhner (OH), Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnnel (KY), Rep. Connie Mack (Fl), Rep. Michael Burgess (TX), Newt Gingerich, and Hon. Mitt Romney. Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnnel (KY) stated that "The Conservative movement is alive and well". Today I was privileged to meet and talk to Joe Wurzelbacher aka "Joe the plumber" and shake hands with Newt Gingerich. You may even see me on FOX NEWS, with all the T.V. cameras, who knows?

    The buzz is positive even in spite of the Obama administration's quantum leap into forcing Socialism down America's throat. The subject of fighting for Liberty rings loud as a common message with all of the conservative conference's reaffirming speakers.! National Security is is paramount, with concern from all of the speakers.!

    New media is a hot topic amongst conservative speakers including Twitter, My Space and yes even, dare I say FaceBook in the midst of their T.O.S. undulation!!

    In the "Will Congress Take Your Guns" conference with speakers Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX) and Rep. Connie Mack (FL) Global U.N. enforced gun bans were discussed . We need your help to prevent further deconstruction of the second amendment right. !"

    To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them..." George Mason -!!

    The NRA was strongly represented on media row and yes I updated my membership!

    Newt Gingrich discussed how "Courage Wins" and electing representatives that actually read the bills that are voted on might behoove American's. Joe Schmo, Newt even discussed in his documentary how President Reagan knew how to talk to liberals, independents, progressives and center or left right republicans if need be, whilst fundamentally standing his ground as a Right Conservative. Pretty cool, Huh?

    Eric Singer an Lawyer/ Investor discussed how the stock market is effected every time Obama or congress opens their mouth. It is revealing that the fact that every time the stock market thrives congress is on vacation!!
    Here is a stock tip:
    CEFFE stock.

    I had mixed emotions about Ron Paul as he drew a sustained energy that felt rather cult than proactive. Although he made some good points about defining Conservatism, and auditing the Federal Reserve as well as legalizing the Constitution of the United States of America, it felt! rather self involved rather than a pure focus for the betterment of our Country.

    In the "Health Care: The Train Wreck Ahead'! led by Rep. Michael Burgess (TX) he stated the importance of free market health care and how medicine is moving in the direction of personalization. Burgess spoke of the importance of privatized insurance and how it sustains public insurance. If there is no private; socialized will fail.

    I heard facts and witnessed an energy yesterday and today that have been consistently suppressed and blatantly ignored by the Main Stream Media, our new President and his administration.

    Don't just read, Lead!! Dialogue welcome.

    Best, Max7
    Last edited by Max7; 02-28-09, 12:09 AM.
    "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin

  • #2
    all these issues inderectly invole me as a canadian. not so much as 99% of the people in this forum but i would like to be kept up on whats going on. this is great. thank you.
    and also what do you do for work max7?? this doesnt seem like the typical think joe schmo would go to? not that its important, just curious.
    :devil: Giffer


    • #3
      Originally posted by Giffer View Post
      all these issues inderectly invole me as a canadian. not so much as 99% of the people in this forum but i would like to be kept up on whats going on. this is great. thank you.
      and also what do you do for work max7?? this doesnt seem like the typical think joe schmo would go to? not that its important, just curious.
      I am blue collar film industry and BFA Fine Art; painter. Thanks for your interest!
      Best, Max7
      "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin


      • #4
        Thanks for the update Max7 . . . interesting stuff. "The fact that every time the stock market thrives congress is on vacation!!" - There sure does seem to be a correlation here! I'm sure there's been quite a bit of discussion around the economy, housing crisis, Wall Street, Auto Industry, etc . . . were any forecasts provided about how long they feel things will continue to sink before we start to see any releif or was the consensus that we're spiraling downward with no end in sight?
        That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.


        • #5
          Maybe we can have a "town meeting" out there somewhere and you can bring us up to date.
          "Newt Gingrich discussed how "Courage Wins" and electing representatives that actually read the bills that are voted on might behoove American's. Joe Schmo, Newt even discussed in his documentary how President Reagan knew how to talk to liberals, independents, progressives and center or left right republicans if need be, whilst fundamentally standing his ground as a Right Conservative. Pretty cool, Huh?"

          Voting in people who actually care about the job we are giving them and are willing to put in the time to do that job... What a novel concept. I sure hope more people hear and heed that message than did at the last election. And even though Ronny Ray Gun screwed my military career in the 80's, I still think he was a pretty good president, all things considered for the times. At least he was a great communicator. Can't wiat to hear more about your trip.
          [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
          [/COLOR]Join the Resistance...


          • #6
            Max, was there any discussion by economists about Obama's wacky budget?


            • #7
              Mitt Romney

              Max, thanks for taking the time to attend this most important conference! I wish that I were able to attend!

              Can you share anything about Mitt Romney's remarks? Thus far, he is my favorite for the next election.

              "An army of asses led by a lion is better than an army of lions led by an ass" George Washington



              • #8
                I have a horribly slow connection tonight. I'll update when I get back to California. Awesome day... lots to share!
                Best, Max7
                "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Schmo View Post
                  Thanks for the update Max7 . . . interesting stuff. "The fact that every time the stock market thrives congress is on vacation!!" - There sure does seem to be a correlation here! I'm sure there's been quite a bit of discussion around the economy, housing crisis, Wall Street, Auto Industry, etc . . . were any forecasts provided about how long they feel things will continue to sink before we start to see any releif or was the consensus that we're spiraling downward with no end in sight?
                  No end in sight, unless we cease government spending, and prevent the pork in the stimulus from every seeing the light of day. It is possible but we have to revolt.
                  I am posting links to tea parties, look for them to get involved! Thanks-
                  Best, Max7
                  "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by rat patrol View Post
                    Maybe we can have a "town meeting" out there somewhere and you can bring us up to date.
                    Lets talk about dates.
                    Best, Max7
                    "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by bruce p View Post
                      Max, was there any discussion by economists about Obama's wacky budget?
                      Not any "Economists" but Gov. Tim Pawlenty (MN) proposed having a constitutional amendment to balance our nation's budget, and demanding accountability. The closest event to your question was "Will Obama's tax policy Kill Entrepreneurship? Event with notable speaker Eric Singer, Congressional Effect Management which I discussed before. Everyone had the same stance, the "Stimulus" spending is pay off. (Obama "Thank you's" to Obama supporters) and has nothing to do with stimulating American's and everything to do with stimulating the Government.
                      Best, Max7
                      "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by mybrokenjeep View Post
                        Max, thanks for taking the time to attend this most important conference! I wish that I were able to attend!

                        Can you share anything about Mitt Romney's remarks? Thus far, he is my favorite for the next election.
                        Mitt won the CPAC 2009 Straw poll.

                        He seems be very polished and poised for the 2012 election.

                        Here is some coverage of his speech from this years CPAC event.


                        Here's some other coverage not at CPAC:

                        More from him at CPAC 2009 should surface soon.

                        During his CPAC 2009 speech he seemed extremely Presidential in the way he genuinely cared for our Country.
                        Best, Max7
                        "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin


                        • #13

                          Thank you for the great info and updates. I will look for more soon. Did you grab a cigar from Rush for me? I noticed his name was not on your list, maybe not a fan? Have a safe trip home.



                          • #14

                            Thank you so much for attending this conference. You represent the 3,700+ members of MJR. Well, most of us anyway!

                            CPAC needs to take over the Republic Party. The so called moderates have failed the party miserably...
                            SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
                            MJR moderator
                            MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
                            Jeep Patrol Leader
                            Reforestation Supervisor
                            Licensed Ham - n6ujm
                            Eagle Scout


                            • #15
                              I had mixed emotions about Ron Paul as he drew a sustained energy that felt rather cult than proactive. Although he made some good points about defining Conservatism, and auditing the Federal Reserve as well as legalizing the Constitution of the United States of America, it felt! rather self involved rather than a pure focus for the betterment of our Country.
                              I am curious to know what you mean about the italicized part. Self-involved on who's part? Just wondering, as I have never heard anything he's ever said referenced like that.
                              :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:

