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Is there a mjr get together monthly ?


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  • #16
    Originally posted by sarah View Post
    I like this idea - especially if it's still wet out there still. Then no one is rushed, and can stay and enjoy everyone's company. Maybe a run once it warms up a little?

    Saturday is good. Which one?
    I like meet and greets as they are nice to meet faces you post with, kinda explore every ones rigs,, have a good meal and just hang out. You get to little time to do that on trail and at AAT events.
    I think a restaurant in a larger parking lot would be great as it leaves us he ability to park remote and if we are out wandering the parking lot we do not arouse a lot of interest in what we are doing.
    Saturdays work best for me, the limited amount I have this year, Need to get in a few courses for a license renewal.
    censored for having an opinion


    • #17
      Originally posted by sarah View Post
      The discussion has been of having a regular to semi-regular High Desert meetup.

      We can surely do another in the Inland Empire like last year's Bass Pro Shop M'N'G but I'd like to wait until the weather stabilizes a bit to warm. IIRC last year was chilly and dreary.

      For Feb Rick and I seem to have all day Sunday the 15th and Saturday the 21st clear.
      For mid-day afternoon, we have Saturday the 7th, Saturday the 14th and maybe Sunday the 22nd.
      Sarah, ok lets get this thing going and set a date ,I like Saturdays ,if it turns out to be a all-day thing Meet n Greet ,eat and jeep ,it will be easier on everyone if it turns out to be a later jeep run,and if there is anyone that turns out from far away they can have time to head back or stay the night if needed .So I guess what Im trying to say is Febuary 21 sounds good.So if they rest of you jeep-oholics agree lets set this in stone and make it happen . there thats my .02 worth
      A clean jeep is the sign of a sick mind


      • #18
        Originally posted by sarah View Post
        I like this idea - especially if it's still wet out there still. Then no one is rushed, and can stay and enjoy everyone's company. Maybe a run once it warms up a little?
        Saturday is good. Which one?
        You pick Sarah, third saturday? then it's not the begining or end of the month as some people have obligations at that time. As for me any saturday will do.....Matt.....
        "Just Another Jeepin Guy"


        • #19
          Originally posted by blackZZR View Post
          I like meet and greets as they are nice to meet faces you post with, kinda explore every ones rigs,, have a good meal and just hang out. You get to little time to do that on trail and at AAT events.
          Very True
          "Just Another Jeepin Guy"


          • #20

            Saturday the 21st works for me. I think the idea for alternating locations is perfect. I think a lot of people will come to the high desert if a trail run is included. And from the posts it seems that we have a ton of members that live up here.



            • #21
              Ok, 21st it is! How about......

              [1] Maxwell's Cafe at HWY 18 and Apple Valley Road? Would be a good location for those coming from the freeway.

              [2] Johnny D's at Apple Valley and Bear Valley? Big parking lot, good sized restaurant. Good prices, friendly staff.

              Other ideas?
              :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:


              • #22
                Originally posted by sarah View Post
                Ok, 21st it is! How about......

                [1] Maxwell's Cafe at HWY 18 and Apple Valley Road? Would be a good location for those coming from the freeway.

                [2] Johnny D's at Apple Valley and Bear Valley? Big parking lot, good sized restaurant. Good prices, friendly staff.

                Other ideas?
                MAxwells is a good place ,good food (breakfastand lunch),large parking lot,and you are right is is easy to get to and its not that crowded.Ok we got a date and a place ,now what time of the day are we talking about ?(early morning ,mid morning or ?)
                A clean jeep is the sign of a sick mind


                • #23
                  Saturday 2-21-09 at Maxwells! Depending on the meeting time, if anyone wants to do an easy mine exploring run before or after let me know. There is an area within 5 miles of the restuarant that has a dozen different mines.

                  Last edited by Mitch; 01-15-09, 02:20 PM.


                  • #24
                    ehhh....Did you mean 2/21/09 Mitch ?? I'm in if nothing else falls off between now and then, always into checking out dirty,dark holes in the ground.
                    Dennis and Tammy
                    Its as much fun getting dirty as it is being dirty in a Jeep!


                    • #25
                      Thanks Dennis,



                      • #26
                        Anything that isn't too early works for us Maybe lunch?
                        :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:


                        • #27

                          How about 11:00am?



                          • #28
                            Sounds like a WEINER ta me!
                            [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
                            [/COLOR]Join the Resistance...


                            • #29

                              Originally posted by sarah View Post
                              Ok, 21st it is! How about......

                              [1] Maxwell's Cafe at HWY 18 and Apple Valley Road? Would be a good location for those coming from the freeway.
                              [2] Johnny D's at Apple Valley and Bear Valley? Big parking lot, good sized restaurant. Good prices, friendly staff. Other ideas?
                              Maxwells is not bad, . like Sarah said, good for those coming from down the hill. I myself was thinking of early evening so if people that come up want to do a run then they can do a run that day and then the meet and greet that evening. Either way no matter what time I will be there and I frequent Maxwells all the time and from an exterminators point of view I have done an inspection in the kitchen and it is "pest free" for those that care about such things (knowing what I know,.. I do) like I said, no matter what time im game.
                              Last edited by Matt2001TJ; 01-15-09, 09:34 PM.
                              "Just Another Jeepin Guy"


                              • #30
                                Ha ha, I'm glad they're pest free! My thoughts are if we meet first and then go on a trail run, that would work best. Then, if something happens on the trail, at least that part of the group won't miss the party. 11AM good? I can call Maxwell's and give them some notice.
                                :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:

