Mr. "I'm for change in this country" Obama is already falling into the rut of American politics. Doesn't he realize that the freaking tax cut/with whopping $300 stimulus check to the down and out Amercian worker has been tried and deemed a looooozzzzzzerrrrrrrrr? I though he was going to do something original. He's not even been sworn in and already he's showing his lack of experience, and worse, his ability to learn from others mistakes. He's just gonna be "more of the same-same" Obama.
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I'm for change
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I'm for change
[CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
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You just figured that out?A vote for a democrat or a republican in the presidential election is never going to equate to "change" as We The People want and now need it.
But the real question is, do you really think he's that dumb, or is he up to something? Are they ALL up to something? C'mon, face it, they're not that dumb!:gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:
no, he really can be that dumb. I'm just saying, "maybe he is that dumb." I mean he hasbeen a politician for so short of a tyme, that he if freaking out because the media wants to take his picture. He was acting like a 2-bit celebrity with the poparazzi in Hawaii... if he wanted to do something about wasteful spending he would not be blowing so much cash on his swearin' in. That thing is going to be a freakin' public works project!
an' a tax break is not going to mean so much to us here in California, because whatever the fed gives the state is gonna take away!:gun: my rifle is not illegal, it's just undocumented... :gun:
On the subject of Obama...
Great...our great "change" leader is trying to make some brilliant changes. {I hope you feel my sarcasm}
"A new report from the Congressional Budget Office shows why some military retirees and veterans could face higher out-of-pocket costs if the Obama administration and Congress take bold moves to reform the U.S. health system and to make federal health programs more efficient. Among 115 "options" presented, though not endorsed, in the CBO report, several focus on raising TRICARE out-of-pocket costs for retirees and one for families. Others would tighten access to VA hospitals and clinics, or raise VA health fees, for veterans with no service-connected conditions. To learn more, [COLOR="RoyalBlue"]read the full article[/COLOR] on"[COLOR="darkred"]"Death Smiles at Everyone... Marines Smile Back."
Adopt-a-Trail Member.[/COLOR]
Originally posted by sarah View PostYou just figured that out?A vote for a democrat or a republican in the presidential election is never going to equate to "change" as We The People want and now need it.
But the real question is, do you really think he's that dumb, or is he up to something? Are they ALL up to something? C'mon, face it, they're not that dumb!
How can sending out money help the economy? It only buys votes. What we need is
1. tariffs on imported goods
2. taxes on out sourced jobs
3. eleiminate all foriegn aid
4. term limits of 8 years on ant public office.
5. a line item veto
number 4 would help the most, as it is the only job a politician has is to get relelected, if he is not he has no job. So he sells his soul to special interest. Get rid on any form of long term employment and people who want to change something would run, not guys needing a job becuase they have washed out of being a lawyer.Have Smackos, will travel
Originally posted by aw12345 View PostWell tariffs on imported goods from China is never going to happen since all of the trillions of dollars in government loans are for the most part held By China talk about having us over a barrel with our pants down
And Art is correct, we are held hostage by a nation who is financing our national dept. I say lose a few departments and stuff till we balance said budget and pay off the dept, at that rate we would be able to protect American jobs, not let them bleed to nations that still want to finance us so they get richer off us. Face it our nation will go under if we continue to let spending grow unbridled. What we need is some one who has the BALLS to stand up and tell us we are eating to much cake and ice cream, and that a little sour milk is going be what it takes to get it straitened out. Until we deal with these issues, we only set ourselves up for a future we are just beginning to feel right now. But then, who am I to tell an expert like Obama how to run this country, he has more experience than I do, or does he? Lets see, I have a job I need to perform inn to keep, all he has to do is talk shit about the republicans to keep his. I have to make ends meet every month, all he has to do is demand more money gets printed, I have to earn my money, he has a job where he is allowed to collect money from the public to get elected. I will be sued if I do not pay my bills, all he has to do is print money. I will be put in jail for passing bad checks, all he has to do is print more money. I would be sent to jail for printing money, he can do it all he likes.
Face it, he knows more than me, he knows how to stay out of jail.censored for having an opinion
every country is the same. all you have to do is hold on to your a$s and wish for the best. if the BEST POSSIBLE person was elected it would change for about 4 years, then anyother person would come out saying " this is better for dingle nuts did jingle nut in where out nuts" and the majority of votes would go to pushed the "good" person out. politics are useless. all we as people can do is hold on a do what makes us happy, if it illegal or not.
and i dont want any comments to that just my 2 cents CDN.:devil: Giffer
Originally posted by Giffer View Postevery country is the same. all you have to do is hold on to your a$s and wish for the best. if the BEST POSSIBLE person was elected it would change for about 4 years, then anyother person would come out saying " this is better for dingle nuts did jingle nut in where out nuts" and the majority of votes would go to pushed the "good" person out. politics are useless. all we as people can do is hold on a do what makes us happy, if it illegal or not.
and i dont want any comments to that just my 2 cents CDN.:gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:
Originally posted by sarah View PostAnd you!! Not what I expected.
I would love to change the world, but as you know, we who care, and read, and listen, are far in the minority. What we need is more people who are not willing to take no for an answer. However it takes years for a change to come about because of the saturation of apathy in the general public.
Lets look at something, so far the only thing Obama has changed is that the general public is hoping for better times because they voted for change. However by looking at his cabinet picks, and his mealy mouthed comments on the economy and how long it will take to change it, it appears we are going down the same path as when Clinton was elected, more big government and Obama has no clue about economics. He is looking for more control over the bail out money, but that will only cost billlions more as we will need to create a department to oversee the billions we are shoveling into the wrong area.
Economics 101
bad business decisions mean you go bankrupt
Government 101
pour money into bankrupt banks to save them
BlackZZR 101
Screw those banks, they proved they had no thought of the future. let the strong ones that did not go for the quick profit survive and let the others go broke
Economics 102
money is backed by value
Government 102
print more money so we can operate on a deficit
BlackZZR 102
Do not pay congress if there is a deficit, only pay them if they operate in the black
I mean how accountable would they be if thier paycheck was dependent on it.
I would like to know how many of them could afford not to get paid and what they would do to balance that budget if their paychecks depended on it.
So, as I said, makes sense, it is not correct, or right, but most of the public lives in a ever increasing spiral of increasing dept because we live like our government, putting off the day of judgment to our future, hoping that when the axe falls, we will not be on watch.censored for having an opinion