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scared of those who give up their rights


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  • scared of those who give up their rights

    my heart aches tonight while discussing voting tomorrow. My current roommates have told me that it doesn't matter that they quote "dont give a !!!!" it scares me because im heading to iraq where until a few years ago they could not vote. I do not want a country where every one rolls over and plays dead what ever happened to the average American testicularfortitude. This is bull shit i will not lay my life on the line for a bunch of nin wits. I will not die for an un-American America. at this point im conservative i dont care who you vote for never give up your rights

  • #2
    Originally posted by RedBull34 View Post
    my heart aches tonight while discussing voting tomorrow. My current roommates have told me that it doesn't matter that they quote "dont give a !!!!" it scares me because im heading to iraq where until a few years ago they could not vote. I do not want a country where every one rolls over and plays dead what ever happened to the average American testicularfortitude. This is bull shit i will not lay my life on the line for a bunch of nin wits. I will not die for an un-American America. at this point im conservative i dont care who you vote for never give up your rights
    Hey, you have freinds here who agree with you 1000%. Go do what you have to do in Iraq; we'll be praying for you and, from one vet to another, THANK YOU!
    [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
    [/COLOR]Join the Resistance...[/CENTER]


    • #3

      I'll be praying for you also. Thank you for serving. Don't listen to your room mates. They are immature...
      SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
      MJR moderator
      MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
      Jeep Patrol Leader
      Reforestation Supervisor
      Licensed Ham - n6ujm
      Eagle Scout


      • #4
        Thats the way people are... To each there own. Your never going to find a place where everyone will act upon something in the same way (i.e voting)

        Just know that what your doing for your country is an awesome thing there there are MANY of us that appreciate it very much.

        Thanks for your service, good luck, and there will be a beer waiting here when you get back (If you decide to fly to March AFB that is )
        |90 XJ|4.0|AX-15|NP231|RE H&T|TnT Y-Link|RE Coils|BOR Leaves|ACOS|D30/Aussie|8.8/ARB|35" Kevlar MTRs|Custom Exo,Sliders,Bumpers|

        !!! !!!


        • #5
          God be with you in Iraq.
          Trust me, you are not going there for those who do not give a """. You are going for people like me that wrote in their candidate, knowing that that one of the 2 party baboons would win and that change would be hard to achieve. But I voted my mind and conscience because I believe in this country.
          I grew up an Air Force Brat. Was in the 5th grade before I spent more than a year in the USA. Grew up in foreign lands and have seen more of why I think this country is the greatest in the world before I was 18 than those guys will ever see in their lifetime. You are doing the citizens of Iraq a service that both those of us who agree, and the citizens of Iraq can only know, those who do not care, have no rights to ever complain.
          censored for having an opinion


          • #6
            Redbull - thank you for your service. Your roomies are a project for you now - wake them up! We can help if you need it. Each and every one of us needs to educate our friends, family and people around us - our schools and media aren't doing the job, so it's up to us!
            :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:


            • #7
              Hey, if you are going to be training at Fort Irwin, when you land at the airport in Victorville, tell the Ft Irwin Logistics folks you would like to talk to the airport facilities manager (that would be me). They know me. It would be great to meet you and shake your hand.

              BTW, find new room mates! Don't hang with dead-beats....
              SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
              MJR moderator
              MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
              Jeep Patrol Leader
              Reforestation Supervisor
              Licensed Ham - n6ujm
              Eagle Scout


              • #8

                Originally posted by rat patrol View Post
                Hey, you have freinds here who agree with you 1000%. Go do what you have to do in Iraq; we'll be praying for you and, from one vet to another, THANK YOU!
                I can't agree more! I served in the Air Force for 10 years and was in the first Gulf War. As a Vet and an American, I am proud of the fine men and women of our armed service that put their lives on the line daily to protect us and this great land of ours! Thank You and be safe!
                "I got your Jeep Thing....Now it burns when I pee!" :fire:


                • #9
                  thanks guys i agree i think im gonna go live with my parents instead i think it will be easier save money and such plus it will help my transition .


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by RedBull34 View Post
                    thanks guys i agree i think im gonna go live with my parents instead i think it will be easier save money and such plus it will help my transition .
                    I bet your parents are very proud of you!

                    I have a son heading to Bagdad in March'09. I'm very proud of him and brag about him to whomever will listen! He's a Master Sargent in the USAF.
                    SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
                    MJR moderator
                    MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
                    Jeep Patrol Leader
                    Reforestation Supervisor
                    Licensed Ham - n6ujm
                    Eagle Scout


                    • #11
                      Redbull, thank you for your service. Our prayers are with you.
                      Best, Max7
                      "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin


                      • #12
                        hey ill be keeping every one posted on here while im gone ill be heading near Albasaria

