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Apple Valley Residents


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  • Apple Valley Residents

    Found this on Pirate by Kim C:

    Apple Valley Residents,

    I'd like to invite you to Farmer Boys restaurant this coming Saturday, August 30th at 6:30 pm. There you will meet Dan Seagondollar, former D-37 racer, Apple Valley resident and candidate for Town Council. He will be a guest speaker at Barb Stanton's Save our Country (SOC) meeting.

    Dan is an Off-Road friendly candidate that needs your support. You can view Dan's website at:

    Dan, along with Rick Raleigh who is also a candidate for Town Council are both Off-Road friends. Rick races in the BITD racing series. These two are serious about off-road and will be advocates for those of you who live in Apple Valley and will be your voice.

    Come on to the meeting, have a bite to eat and listen to what Dan has to say. This Farmer Boys is at the corner of Nisquali and Hesperia Road in Victorville.

    If you need additional information, please call me at 760-475-0409 (Kim C)

  • #2
    I'm going to try to make it!
    Best, Max7
    "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin


    • #3
      Oh that's tomorrow huh. Thanks for the reminder.
      :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:


      • #4
        Yep! I'm gonna try to make it.


        • #5
          I am definitely going. See ya there!
          Best, Max7
          "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin


          • #6
            If this is the Architect, I know him! We hired him a long time back for some drawing work for the Airport. Good guy.
            SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
            MJR moderator
            MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
            Jeep Patrol Leader
            Reforestation Supervisor
            Licensed Ham - n6ujm
            Eagle Scout


            • #7
              Unfortunatly all the anti ATV/dirtbike laws are already passed.You can't even ride on your own property.

              Dan can't help us now.


              • #8
                I went to the meeting and he did not seem to be that updated on our current situations, in adddition it does't seem like he can handle money very well... bankrupt? Am I off??
                Best. Max7
                "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Max7 View Post
                  I went to the meeting and he did not seem to be that updated on our current situations, in adddition it does't seem like he can handle money very well... bankrupt? Am I off??
                  Best. Max7
                  Jeezuzzz, what a suprise. Another wannabe politician that can't manage his own life, much less ours...
                  [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
                  [/COLOR]Join the Resistance...


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Max7 View Post
                    I went to the meeting and he did not seem to be that updated on our current situations, in adddition it does't seem like he can handle money very well... bankrupt? Am I off??
                    Best. Max7
                    Max, kind of surprised to hear you did not think he was informed. Wish you had been there before the meeting started. I spent quite a bit of time talking to him about the windmills and the Marines. He is very informed. He has already started conversations with Brad Mitzelfelt (our SB supervisor) and feels Brad is on our side on this one. Dan wants no windmills and feels it is in the sphere of influence of AV and he feels if he and the guy who he is running with get elected, they have one other councilman who they feel is on their side. They plan to get a resolution before the Town Council against the windmills. With regards to the Marines, they are trying to work that with Brad. We know the rest of the Board of Supervisors is probably not on our side. Guess we get what we vote for.

                    He is an off-roader, I feel he is on our side and I have contributed to his campaign for these reasons.



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Ol Man View Post
                      Max, kind of surprised to hear you did not think he was informed. Wish you had been there before the meeting started. I spent quite a bit of time talking to him about the windmills and the Marines. He is very informed. He has already started conversations with Brad Mitzelfelt (our SB supervisor) and feels Brad is on our side on this one. Dan wants no windmills and feels it is in the sphere of influence of AV and he feels if he and the guy who he is running with get elected, they have one other councilman who they feel is on their side. They plan to get a resolution before the Town Council against the windmills. With regards to the Marines, they are trying to work that with Brad. We know the rest of the Board of Supervisors is probably not on our side. Guess we get what we vote for.

                      He is an off-roader, I feel he is on our side and I have contributed to his campaign for these reasons.

                      I am for anyone who is our advocate. If Dan's got the information, will fight to keep our public land out of private hands and help keep J.V. open then he's got my vote.

                      I was at the A.V. Town council meeting when the council voted 3 to 2 against the Granite Mountain windmills so how many times are they going to vote? Oddly the town manager told me that the Town of AV had little say in the matter because it was out side the "sphere", If what you say is true I am glad they have reassessed their position.

                      I think Dan is a better candidate to have on Apple Valley Town Council than let's say Peter Allan, who thinks the wind mills will be pretty to look at. I just did not get the feeling that Dan was as up to speed with everything during the meeting. For instance when Kim filled in the details. I want our candidate to already know all the details. Maybe I missed something, but he seemed a little defeated in reference to the Marines desire to acquire JV as well. When Dan said," The Marines are going to take Johnson Valley" I spoke up and said, No they are not!

                      I have yet to see Mitzelfelt making any impact yet. The Supervisor needs to put his money where his mouth is and really support keeping the already designated open area.

                      I admit I am being critical, I want to be sure I am making a solid choices. I'll call Dan this week.
                      Best, Max7
                      "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin


                      • #12
                        Hey Guys, I'm not really sure the right candidate needs to know everything, or be a career politician. "We the people" are supposed to run our government, and I'd like to think that one day I can run for office without having to have studied all of the issues for the years and years it might take to get up to speed with all the events and drama in this desert. Doesn't the town board have advisors and other similar resources to help make the right decisions? The man seems to have good principles, although I still have some questions for him. Speaking of which, town council meeting tomorrow night - I'm going to try to make it, anyone else?
                        :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:


                        • #13
                          Hey Sarah,
                          I think the candidate should know the main "off road" issues really well if they say they are an "off roading advocate". It did not take years for me to get the facts from all sides and write my letters months ago. I want to get to know Seagondollar better.

                          I'll be at the T.C. meeting tomorrow.
                          Best, Max7
                          Originally posted by sarah View Post
                          Hey Guys, I'm not really sure the right candidate needs to know everything, or be a career politician. "We the people" are supposed to run our government, and I'd like to think that one day I can run for office without having to have studied all of the issues for the years and years it might take to get up to speed with all the events and drama in this desert. Doesn't the town board have advisors and other similar resources to help make the right decisions? The man seems to have good principles, although I still have some questions for him. Speaking of which, town council meeting tomorrow night - I'm going to try to make it, anyone else?
                          "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Max7 View Post
                            Hey Sarah,
                            I think the candidate should know the main "off road" issues really well if they say they are an "off roading advocate"...I'll be at the T.C. meeting tomorrow.
                            Best, Max7
                            Yeah, you're right. I'll see you at the meeting!
                            :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:

