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Ghost towns n stuff


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  • Ghost towns n stuff

    Reciently I have become interested in old towns. I've been to Randsburg, Calico and Pioneer town reciently.

    In the past I have been to Shoshone, Nipton and Searchlight.

    I'm waiting for Amboy to open but they are having problems with the water supply and govt bullcrap.

    Anybody know of any neet towns in the desert where I could take a drive to, get lunch, maybe trash around in a Museum/Antique shop then go home?

    If it's on Route 66 thats a plus too.

  • #2
    Here is one to try.........seeing as you are aware of Amboy. Start in Ludlow and have a milkshake.......then proceed along the original route 66. You will pass through what is left of Amboy, Bristol, Cadiz, Danby, Essex, Fenner, then Goffs. Stop at Goffs to see Dennis Casebier and the Goff Schoolhouse and the museum there. It is excellent. If you wish to head further along 66, you can pass through Homer and on up to Ivanpah. Another option from Goffs is to head up Ivanpah Road past Cedar Canyon road to the Mojave Road (Old Government Road). Along this road are many sights worth seeing (last gunfight, hole in the wal, rock springs, etc), you can get th Mojave Road trail guide from Dennis at Goffs (he wrote it). In that area I would also recommend stopping at the Kelso Depot (a restored SP railroad depot), the Cima store in Cima, and in Nipton. Heck, you could also stop by Mitchell Caverns and the Providence Mountains and Providence Mine. There is so very much to see, I hope you can find the time to contnue your explorations. you can probably tell I have not been out that way for at least 2 weeks. ll the best in your adventures.
    Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati


    • #3
      Kelso depot huh? I drove by there about 6 yrs ago and it looked closed/dead. I'll have to check that out.

      I used to drive a truck and many of my loads went to funny places out in the desert. Fenner was one of my stops to pee and watch the fish. Went past Goffs a bunch of times but never got the chance to stop.

      Watched a great lightning storm from the corner of 95 and Goffs rd one night.
      Last edited by chris142; 08-23-08, 06:43 AM.


      • #4
        Check out the town of Bodie. It is up off the 395 past mono lake. It is a true registered ghost town.
        1994 Toyota, dual cases, 5.29 axles with ARB's


        • #5
          Bodie is an excellent ghost town. Heck, if you wish to head up toward Bodie you should stop by Cerro Gordo and the Swansea Salt Tram on the way. As for Kelso Depot, it has recently been restored and re-opened. Fenner is home to the world's most expensive stuff........last week gas was $5.87 a gallon for regular unleaded. The sign on the cash register said "Don't complain about our prices....Go somewhere else!"
          Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati


          • #6
            Hey Chris, when I'm back up to speed I'd like to tag along! I love all the places that Brian (ECVJeep) mentioned!
            SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
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            • #7
              How far from Victorville is Bodie?


              • #8
                Bodie is up near Bridgeport, so I guess that is probably 5 hours or so on the road. Cerro Gordo & the Salt Tram are nearer to Lone Pine, so I guess that is probably around 3 hours.
                Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati


                • #9
                  Well Bodie might be a little too far right now.


                  • #10

                    There is much to see in the old mining and ghost town genre closer to home. I know you have been to Randsburg, but did you see Burro Schmidt's tunnel or Bickel Camp? Areas closer to home are plentiful too. If you have the interest and inclination, I suggest you begin with the books by Bill Mann....2 volumnes of Guides to interesting and mysterious sights in the Mojavie, and one on the Lucerne Valley (actually, he has written 6 total volumes (at least that I have) and are all very good). I would also suggest you PM Roger, Great88 (Mitch), and others who enjoy that type of excursion. THere is a wealth of information within the members of MJR, and the website only begins to scratch the surface.

                    If you wish to look around in the local area, I hope that I can and wil be invited to join you.


                    Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati


                    • #11
                      I have all of Bill Mann's books. He reciently died by the way.

                      The last couple of books I got of his had bad GPS cordinates in them and unless you knew where too look you won't find what your looking for.

                      Never been to the tunnel through the hill.


                      • #12
                        All of Bill's books have bad GPS coordinates.......I guess that is because early genration GPS units were not real accurate. I may try and do an easy/moderate desert/mountain exploration run this weekend...I will let you know if you are interested. I have sent out some PMs to check for an interest level.
                        Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati

