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It started out as a normal day last Monday 8/18...


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  • It started out as a normal day last Monday 8/18...

    I got home from the hospital yesterday. Last Monday I was eating a sandwich at work when it felt like it got stuck halfway down my esophagus. I stood up thinking if I straightened out my torso, it would go on down to my stomach. When I stood up I got very light headed and passed out. Next thing I know I'm all confused and kept asking myself "how did I get down here? Why am I here on the floor?" (that song line "Let the bodies hit the floor" also went through my head")

    My assistant an another co-worker came rushing into my office to see what the commotion was all about. After a few minutes they helped me to my feet. I felt perfectly normal, but I knew something wasn't right. I called my Dr's office to make an appointment. The nurse told me that I didn't need to see the doctor, I needed to go to the emergency room.

    Not to drag this out too long, they determined I needed a pacemaker. So Wednesday morning They put one in me. My pulse was running a steady 39 - 40. Now it's at 60.

    So even though I can return to work Monday, I'll be laying low for awhile. Next week I have to see the cardiologist to "tweek" the pacemake I think. And to see another doctor about why my sandwich got stuck in the first place, that's more scary than the pacemaker.

    What's strange is that I feel less tired and have more energy now that my heart rate is "normal".

    I ate the same kind of sandwich for lunch today and boy was I nervous
    SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
    MJR moderator
    MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
    Jeep Patrol Leader
    Reforestation Supervisor
    Licensed Ham - n6ujm
    Eagle Scout

  • #2
    man roger glad to hear your ok and all is well ......
    [COLOR="YellowGreen"]"You cant fit 2 fingers in my tailpipe"[/COLOR]


    • #3
      Wow Roger..........I am sure glad everything has turned out okay. What a scare. You had better take care of yourself as we have lots more Jeepin to do. Let me know if I can be of any help.
      Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati


      • #4
        Good to hear your feeling better than before, but man... that sandwich, way to get back on the horse!
        :gun: my rifle is not illegal, it's just undocumented... :gun:


        • #5
          Originally posted by Roger View Post
          What's strange is that I feel less tired and have more energy now that my heart rate is "normal".

          Why would that be strange? Sounds like you got more blood moving around. or were you being funny.
          Glad your alright.
          "If you have significant difficulty here, dont go any only gets worse".
          (Charles Wells)


          • #6
            Wow! 3 weeks ago you were moving rocks at the 6000 ft level. Glad you didn't have any trouble then.


            • #7
              Wow, what a crazy story! Glad you're feeling better and have a good prognosis! Take it easy for as long as you want, or get back in the grind if you're ready!

              Follow the "Life is good" motto: Do what you like, like what you do! (Which is why I'm a Jeeper!)
              If we aren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?


              Truth is treason in the empire of lies. -Ron Paul


              • #8
                Thanks everyone. You all rock!
                SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
                MJR moderator
                MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
                Jeep Patrol Leader
                Reforestation Supervisor
                Licensed Ham - n6ujm
                Eagle Scout


                • #9
                  Roger! Please advise where you got that sandwich & what was on it! I'm staying away from subway until I get word back on this...

                  Good to hear your doing better, and perhaps better than before. Take it easy for a while, if you need any help, we're just up the road.
                  [COLOR="darkred"]"Death Smiles at Everyone... Marines Smile Back."
                  Adopt-a-Trail Member.[/COLOR]


                  • #10
                    Glad your feeling better Roger!
                    "Good Girls and Dirty Jeeps" a song by Opal Justice


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by USMC 0369 View Post
                      Roger! Please advise where you got that sandwich & what was on it! I'm staying away from subway until I get word back on this...

                      Good to hear your doing better, and perhaps better than before. Take it easy for a while, if you need any help, we're just up the road.
                      I made the sandwich myself. So, yea, best not have one of mine! You can continue with Subway....

                      Thanks for the offer.
                      SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
                      MJR moderator
                      MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
                      Jeep Patrol Leader
                      Reforestation Supervisor
                      Licensed Ham - n6ujm
                      Eagle Scout


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Kman View Post
                        Glad your feeling better Roger!

                        Thanks Kman, I've been getting great support from my family, my church, my friends, co-workers, and all the MJR folks. I'm truly blessed!
                        SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
                        MJR moderator
                        MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
                        Jeep Patrol Leader
                        Reforestation Supervisor
                        Licensed Ham - n6ujm
                        Eagle Scout


                        • #13
                          Roger, I'm glad that you're feeling better. I guess you have to stay away from microwave ovens now?
                          If you don't like the way I drive, stay out of the bushes!


                          • #14
                            Wow Roger,

                            I told you that a SIX FOOT SUBWAY sandwich was a little much for a slim guy like you to eat for lunch! I'm glad that you are doing alright. And I hope you didn't mind that I called you everyday just to check up on you. We have to take care of the good guys. If you need anything, you have my #'s.



                            • #15
                              Originally posted by great88 View Post
                              Wow Roger,

                              I told you that a SIX FOOT SUBWAY sandwich was a little much for a slim guy like you to eat for lunch! I'm glad that you are doing alright. And I hope you didn't mind that I called you everyday just to check up on you. We have to take care of the good guys. If you need anything, you have my #'s.

                              Actually Russ, the new pacemakers are not affected by them or cell phones. I'm just not supposed to carry it in my shirt pocket. I only have to stay away from large electric motors, welders, and such.

                              No Mitch, it was great to talk to you. If you are wheeling today out my way, stop by if you have a chance.
                              SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
                              MJR moderator
                              MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
                              Jeep Patrol Leader
                              Reforestation Supervisor
                              Licensed Ham - n6ujm
                              Eagle Scout

