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:censor: Sent today:
I am writing to demand that Speaker Pelosi come back from vacation immediately and open the floor to schedule a vote allowing offshore drilling. Reading the The Role of the Speaker of the House, it states that the responsibilities of the Speaker include ..."recognizing Members to speak on the floor." Turning off the lights, camera, microphone and delaying this vote is immature, and un-American.
It is not Nancy Pelosi's job to save the planet, but it is her job to open this discussion to a vote to the people. If she wants to save the planet, great! Do it on her own time!
Her behavior is traitorous. She has the ability as Speaker to help resolve these types of issues in America. It is not Nancy Pelosi's job to try to dictate how Americans need to live their lives.
When the majority of Americans want us to start drilling now then Congress, even Pelosi, should consider this above their own ideals. Do your job...listen, and quit being a baby!
Best, Maxwell Britton
:censor: Sent today:
I am writing to demand that Speaker Pelosi come back from vacation immediately and open the floor to schedule a vote allowing offshore drilling. Reading the The Role of the Speaker of the House, it states that the responsibilities of the Speaker include ..."recognizing Members to speak on the floor." Turning off the lights, camera, microphone and delaying this vote is immature, and un-American.
It is not Nancy Pelosi's job to save the planet, but it is her job to open this discussion to a vote to the people. If she wants to save the planet, great! Do it on her own time!
Her behavior is traitorous. She has the ability as Speaker to help resolve these types of issues in America. It is not Nancy Pelosi's job to try to dictate how Americans need to live their lives.
When the majority of Americans want us to start drilling now then Congress, even Pelosi, should consider this above their own ideals. Do your job...listen, and quit being a baby!
Best, Maxwell Britton