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Ron Paul on KFI this Morning


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  • Ron Paul on KFI this Morning

    In case anyone is interested, Ron Paul will be a guest on the Bill Handel Show this morning (7/23) at 8:00 AM. I'm pretty sure you can listen after the fact on the KFI website at

    I know it's a short notice...
    SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
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    Licensed Ham - n6ujm
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  • #2
    Dang it. How'd it go? I will try and find a recording on YouTube or something.

    Too bad no one has replied to this thread - Go Ron Paul! Even though he's not in the running anymore, he's still out there doing great great things. (If you're a mainstream media hound, of course you won't hear of these things.) Thank you Roger for posting this.
    :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:


    • #3
      Originally posted by sarah View Post
      Dang it. How'd it go? I will try and find a recording on YouTube or something.

      Too bad no one has replied to this thread - Go Ron Paul! Even though he's not in the running anymore, he's still out there doing great great things. (If you're a mainstream media hound, of course you won't hear of these things.) Thank you Roger for posting this.
      I just saw this. When I was coming back from the Dusy I went through a podunk town called Benton Hot Springs. There was, out in the middle of nowhere, where only the cows and crazy people like me could see it is was a Ron Paul for President banner, hanging on a barbed wire fence. Sorry, didn't get a pic.
      [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
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      • #4
        Note: He Is the Thomas Jefferson of our day.......

        It is too bad the people of America, are brain washed by the media to see the real truths.........

        (805) 642-8400 or 477-9977


        • #5
          I think if you to the KFI website, it's there tolisten to. Try under the Bill Handel Show.
          SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
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          • #6
            Thanks, found it >
            :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:


            • #7
              Republican Party

              So I get the letter yesterday from the Republican National Committee. It starts out like this; " I don't want to believe you've abandoned the Republican party, but I have to ask... Have you given up?"

              They just don't get it do they? They have it backwards, they've given up on me! I can't stand how the RNC has abandoned all the principles that I hold so dear.

              WTH? is McCain the best they can do? I'm sure I will end up voting for him because I have less confidence in Mr. Obama. Don't get me wrong, I respect McCain for the sacrafice he gave for our country but that doesn't necessarily make him a good choice for President.

              I'm done now, off to work...
              SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
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              Licensed Ham - n6ujm
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              • #8
                We got a letter as well, but with a McCain sticker in it. I wanted to flush it, but Rick said it wouldn't be good for the septic!

                I was in Oregon this weekend and saw a handful of Obama bumper stickers. I tried to get each driver's attention to let them know I disapproved of their stickers, but they were all women in their 50s and 60s-ish, just trying to see over the steering wheel and paying attention to nothing but their lane.

                The Lake Tahoe Mosquito Smoker (Rick's truck) of course was sporting RP in Tahoe. We had a rally sign in the front window of the jeep on the trailer. We did get a couple of cheers from people on the side of the road!

                I will be casting a protest vote this year. I would rather write-in the brand of doorknobs in the house than vote for either of the two "main" candidates. But CA probably won't even have a write-in spot, so it will be Chuck Baldwin, if he gets on the ballot or Bob Barr, who is for sure on the ballot.
                :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:


                • #9
                  Originally posted by sarah View Post
                  We got a letter as well, but with a McCain sticker in it. I wanted to flush it, but Rick said it wouldn't be good for the septic!

                  I was in Oregon this weekend and saw a handful of Obama bumper stickers. I tried to get each driver's attention to let them know I disapproved of their stickers, but they were all women in their 50s and 60s-ish, just trying to see over the steering wheel and paying attention to nothing but their lane.

                  The Lake Tahoe Mosquito Smoker (Rick's truck) of course was sporting RP in Tahoe. We had a rally sign in the front window of the jeep on the trailer. We did get a couple of cheers from people on the side of the road!

                  I will be casting a protest vote this year. I would rather write-in the brand of doorknobs in the house than vote for either of the two "main" candidates. But CA probably won't even have a write-in spot, so it will be Chuck Baldwin, if he gets on the ballot or Bob Barr, who is for sure on the ballot.
                  Bob Barr is close to Ron Paul's ideals, and has registered as a write-in candidate. He's my "front runner" right now.

                  Roger, voting for McCain just because he isn't Obama is NOT the way to go. I used to think that way too and the reason there's only 2 choices is because people who think how I used to be, and you still think. I sadly voted for that jackass Bush for that reason: not a democrat; and no other "viable" choice.

                  I've come to a point where I think if enough people start moving away from that way of thinking we can get people noticing and thinking. Think Ross Perot times two... then the 2012 election, times three... in another couple years somebody with brains, balls, and ideals might actually make it into office.

                  I, like you, fear that enough of us not voting for McCain is a guaranteed Obama win however I'm to a point where I'm willing to sacrifice a few years of a democrat in office to make a statement that there's enough people tired of a two party system.
                  If we aren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?


                  Truth is treason in the empire of lies. -Ron Paul


                  • #10

                    does the electoral colledge really give a rat's ass who we vote for? don't they cast all of their votes any-old-way? I'm a voter, and I'm gonna vote, but the problem with the system is that no matter what the independant or write in vote is, the electoral colledge is a 2-party colledge ... right?

                    I dunno, our voice seems so small...

                    Obama scares the hell outta me, I mean they are both open borders, but Obama wants to let in the boogy men, and take my guns... you would think the recent ruling would change the anti gun tempo a bit, but if Obama doesnt have reguard for the constitution on that front, and he doesnt have reguard for the law on the immigration front, what the hell is his ajenda?

                    I'm not feeling good.... no really, Im dizzy...
                    :gun: my rifle is not illegal, it's just undocumented... :gun:


                    • #11
                      I'm inclined to go along with line of Jesse's thinking. Obama Scares the hell outta me also. I just don't trust him.

                      I'm not feeling so hot either...
                      SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
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                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Kodiak Spirit View Post
                        does the electoral colledge really give a rat's ass who we vote for? don't they cast all of their votes any-old-way? I'm a voter, and I'm gonna vote, but the problem with the system is that no matter what the independant or write in vote is, the electoral colledge is a 2-party colledge ... right?
                        Sadly yes, but I feel there'll never be a change if the people don't vote for change!
                        If we aren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?


                        Truth is treason in the empire of lies. -Ron Paul


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Materdaddy View Post
                          Bob Barr is close to Ron Paul's ideals, and has registered as a write-in candidate. He's my "front runner" right now.

                          ...I, like you, fear that enough of us not voting for McCain is a guaranteed Obama win however I'm to a point where I'm willing to sacrifice a few years of a democrat in office to make a statement that there's enough people tired of a two party system.
                          I understand what you are saying about the sacrifice, but think about this, both houses of Congress are controlled by Democrats, and if a Democrat is in the White House, god knows what damage to our country they will do. More "Green" more "gun restrictions" more "enviromental wackos in power" "rampant illegal immigration" they could do a lot of damage in four years - too much at stake here.

                          But like I said McCain is not my first choice, but until a really strong third party candidate comes along, it seems I have no choice to vote for him. I Remember a few years ago when Ralph Nader ran, he took away enough Democrat votes that a Republician won, otherwise the Democrats would have won.

                          I will vote for an independent I can agree with when I see one really has a chance at winning.

                          Thanks for the discussion!
                          SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
                          MJR moderator
                          MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
                          Jeep Patrol Leader
                          Reforestation Supervisor
                          Licensed Ham - n6ujm
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