This weekend another off-roading member/competitor, Tom Guaraldo, was killed. This makes 3 in the last couple months. All three of them were just testing out their rig without wearing their seatbelts. Tom was across the street doing a quick spin out like he always did, but the tires didn't slide, he rolled and was killed instantly. We were notified of his death at the end of the W.E. Rock event. They are putting together a safety video on the importance of wearing your seatbelt no matter if you are just moving your vehicle onto the trailer or out of the garage.
Please, buckle up before you even start your vehicle!!! We don't need to lose anyone else because they didn't take a couple seconds to buckle up.
Please, buckle up before you even start your vehicle!!! We don't need to lose anyone else because they didn't take a couple seconds to buckle up.