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Jeep In Need of Oil Change!

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  • Jeep In Need of Oil Change!

    Well, I'm about ready to change the oil in the Jeep again. It's about 1000 miles overdue...

    Anywho, does anybody have any comprisons for oil? I normally use Castrol GTX and have used it for years in all my vehicles, but I'm thinking about trying another oil...

    I'm making the debate to switch to synthetic...cause once you go there's no turning back as the seals swell...blah blah, you guys know the rest.

    So, I thought I'd post up on good ole' MJR and see what the veterans of the driving world have to say.

    So...any and ALL ..and I mean ALL thoughts on motor oil are appreciated!!
    WTF Mate?

    Confucious Say: He who stand on high on pot.

    (HllllllllH) vroom VROOM

  • #2
    If you've been using GTX for years with no problems, why switch? If it ain't broke, don't fix it...
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    • #3
      Well, I always use Castrol Synthetic because I forget to change it every 3000 miles. Plus, I can get it at a good price from Walmart. I think that swelling seal thing is just a myth.
      "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."
      -Margaret Thatcher


      • #4
        Originally posted by Shadly1 View Post
        I think that swelling seal thing is just a myth.

        Yes, it is.
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