no girls.. i'm not in playgirl
i submitted some pictures to a few of the popular jeeping and 4 wheeling magazines, and this is the response i just got from one...
so keep your eyes open! this is the 4 wheel parts wholesalers free magazine. if you dont get it already..... get yourself one 
i asked the editor to make a big mention of "myjeeprocks" in the listing, and hopefully he uses one of the pictures that shows my windshield sticker.

i submitted some pictures to a few of the popular jeeping and 4 wheeling magazines, and this is the response i just got from one...
Your photos will probably show up in the February '04 issue of Off-Road Adventures magazine

i asked the editor to make a big mention of "myjeeprocks" in the listing, and hopefully he uses one of the pictures that shows my windshield sticker.
