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Just won my first hf 6 meter rig on ebay

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  • Just won my first hf 6 meter rig on ebay

    After much careful consideration and a hell of a lot of research for what to get for my first HF rig I soon came to realize that I had best get one of the ones that also came with 6 meter as well. Bang for the buck I also thought best to get a mobile rig as I could always run it in the house on a power supply as well as in the jeep and run it on field days and so on. I settled on the Alinco DX-70TH it covers 160 to 6 meters in SSB, CW, AM and FM and is a 100 watt rig with some good reviews and some really good mods available. This is an older radio but is solid. Check out the radio on universals site.

    Also,.. list was over a grand new I seen recent prices and offers on QRZ for 450 and 500 shipped I got it for 320 to my door. Should have it next week so I can works some 10 meter and 6 meter "magic band" stuff. I think ill fab a dipole antenna thats not really an issue but now I will need an antenna tuner. I go for my general next month....MATT
    "Just Another Jeepin Guy"

  • #2
    Any particular reason you wanted 6M Matt? Pretty much a dead band 95% of the time. Are any of the local 6m repeaters still active? I tried several years back when I got my tri band HT, couldn't access any of them.

    6M _does_ make it easy to get your WATV award though
    You're just upset because the voices in my head only talk to ME!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Old Fart View Post
      Any particular reason you wanted 6M Matt? Pretty much a dead band 95% of the time. Are any of the local 6m repeaters still active? I tried several years back when I got my tri band HT, couldn't access any of them.

      6M _does_ make it easy to get your WATV award though
      Because 6 meter communications are as good as or in some instances and locations, better than HF frequencies. The prevalence of HF characteristics on this VHF band has inspired amateur operators to dub it the "magic band". This is of course if the proper conditions exist propagation wise. Like yourself Jeff I also have an H/T that has 6 meter capability and have had no luck as far as repeaters is concerned. Hell I have not even found any active on 220 (1.25) either and have some of these machines programed into my H/T but on the other hand I do not live in an area where these that are still listed in directories are in abundance either. Either way, when the DX conditions exist you can bet I will be looking around on 6 meter as well as other bands. I also just wanted to make sure I had it too.
      Last edited by Matt2001TJ; 01-06-11, 02:16 PM.
      "Just Another Jeepin Guy"


      • #4

        How many contacts have you worked on 6M?
        You're just upset because the voices in my head only talk to ME!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Old Fart View Post

          How many contacts have you worked on 6M?
          It would appear as though your objective is to discredit me and my statement. Is that the case Jeff ?
          "Just Another Jeepin Guy"


          • #6
            Originally posted by Matt2001TJ View Post
            It would appear as though your objective is to discredit me and my statement. Is that the case Jeff ?
            LOL, no I don't that's that's it at all! I think what Jeff is ASKING is if there is anyone to talk to on 6 meter....
            Off road adventure photography:

            TreadLightly Trainer
            Wilderness First Aid (WFA)
            HAM - KI6PFO

            2005 Rubicon Unlimited + trailer


            • #7
              Originally posted by nwoods View Post
              LOL, no I don't that's that's it at all! I think what Jeff is ASKING is if there is anyone to talk to on 6 meter....
              if the proper conditions exist propagation wise. Which I already made that comment. I really don't think one would be talking DX on a H/T either.
              Last edited by Matt2001TJ; 01-06-11, 07:50 PM.
              "Just Another Jeepin Guy"


              • #8
                Lighten up Matt. I'm not attempting to discredit anyone, just wondering if you've spent any time on 6M.
                You're just upset because the voices in my head only talk to ME!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Old Fart View Post
                  Lighten up Matt. I'm not attempting to discredit anyone, just wondering if you've spent any time on 6M.
                  Other than on my HT, But after everything I have read all over the place on the internet and even in publications from Gordon West it is quite the band once again if propagation exists. My radio should be here next week and,....well.... lets see what happens. If nothing else I am looking forward to sideband again.
                  "Just Another Jeepin Guy"


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Old Fart View Post
                    Lighten up Matt. I'm not attempting to discredit anyone, just wondering if you've spent any time on 6M.

                    Found this thread a little late...

                    Congrats on the radio Matt. You will really enjoy 6 meters. When I was buying my Kenwood TS570, I had the option of 6 meters or not. I paid the extra for 6 meters, and have never regretted it. One of the guys in my radio club has the same radio, no 6 meters, and completely regrets it.

                    6 meter activity is fun on a base rig. 6 meters really cannot be used too effectively with an HT. You need Upper Side Band (I believe all the HT's are FM, which will not travel like SSB).

                    Looking at my logs for 2010, I have about 15 contacts on the 6 meter band (I don't use my radio much anymore...last contact logged was 5/30/10). I have 2 Washington, 4 Oregon, 1 Hawaii, 1 Mexico, 1 Wyoming, and the rest are California. I usually don't sit and call CQ, but will scan from 50.125-50.175 and listen for contacts. When 6 meters is open, its like field day...acknowledge contact, signal report, Grid, move to next call...

                    MOST SSB is horizontally polarized. I am vertical. Most FM is vertical. When your signal starts to skip, it usually doesn't matter how you are polarized.

                    Look at a 6 meter J-Pole. Fairly easy and cheap to build.



                    • #11
                      Originally posted by SAR Jeeper View Post
                      Found this thread a little late...

                      Congrats on the radio Matt. You will really enjoy 6 meters. When I was buying my Kenwood TS570, I had the option of 6 meters or not. I paid the extra for 6 meters, and have never regretted it. One of the guys in my radio club has the same radio, no 6 meters, and completely regrets it.

                      6 meter activity is fun on a base rig. 6 meters really cannot be used too effectively with an HT. You need Upper Side Band (I believe all the HT's are FM, which will not travel like SSB).

                      Looking at my logs for 2010, I have about 15 contacts on the 6 meter band (I don't use my radio much anymore...last contact logged was 5/30/10). I have 2 Washington, 4 Oregon, 1 Hawaii, 1 Mexico, 1 Wyoming, and the rest are California. I usually don't sit and call CQ, but will scan from 50.125-50.175 and listen for contacts. When 6 meters is open, its like field day...acknowledge contact, signal report, Grid, move to next call...

                      MOST SSB is horizontally polarized. I am vertical. Most FM is vertical. When your signal starts to skip, it usually doesn't matter how you are polarized.

                      Look at a 6 meter J-Pole. Fairly easy and cheap to build.

                      Thank you for the positive information. It just showed up yesterday via Fedex. I will be getting it all set up this weekend. The president of the ham club I am in is going to loan me an antenna for a while till I get my own. This rig looks like brand new. Now I am looking for an antenna tuner.
                      "Just Another Jeepin Guy"

