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Finally got more ham equipment

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  • Finally got more ham equipment

    Finally got a rig for my jeep. For now I am running it in the house. I scored a yaesu FT-2800 with external speaker, mic and mobile antenna, FT-60 dual band H/T with a mic and a Astron 35 amp power supply all for 120 bucks and most looks almost like new and works great. Here is another one. After four months in the local ham radio club Tuesday night I was just voted in as the new vice president for next year. I will also be building them a forum for the club very soon. ....MATT....

    PS> My high powered 10 meter rig should be up and running on the base before the weekend is out.
    "Just Another Jeepin Guy"

  • #2
    It's not always easy getting a good deal on ham equipment. Thats great.

    Well Mr. Vice-President - Congratulations!
    SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
    MJR moderator
    MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
    Jeep Patrol Leader
    Reforestation Supervisor
    Licensed Ham - n6ujm
    Eagle Scout


    • #3
      Wow, congrats on the vote, and the deal!
      If we aren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?

      Truth is treason in the empire of lies. -Ron Paul


      • #4
        Originally posted by Materdaddy View Post
        Wow, congrats on the vote, and the deal!
        Thanks guys... I am looking at a used 440 Kenwood HF rig for my next addition. I used to work my fathers old 430 Kenwood in the 80s but the cool thing about the 440 is that it has a built in antenna tuner. I am in the process of building a rack type addition to my desk so I can set everything up (like the old it) and have a area behind it for QSL cards and a mapping area to the right. antenna switch box, swr/watt meter, 35 amp H/D power supply, my different rigs and so on as a beginning for now is the plan. Any ideas or suggestions ??? Comments and ideas are welcome.
        Last edited by Matt2001TJ; 12-18-10, 06:35 PM.
        "Just Another Jeepin Guy"


        • #5
          Congrats, Matt! Maybe you can get them to change the meeting to another day of the week. The Tuesday meetings have been falling on the same night as the Apple Valley city council meetings.

          When does your term start? Who was voted president?
          :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:


          • #6
            Originally posted by sarah View Post
            Congrats, Matt! Maybe you can get them to change the meeting to another day of the week. The Tuesday meetings have been falling on the same night as the Apple Valley city council meetings.

            When does your term start? Who was voted president?
            Thanks Sarah, I start on January first and Dave Deards, KI6HVI is the president for next year.
            "Just Another Jeepin Guy"


            • #7
              Originally posted by Roger View Post
              It's not always easy getting a good deal on ham equipment. Thats great.
              Very true...As i said. An HF rig is in my future. Roger do you run HF at all ?
              Last edited by Matt2001TJ; 12-21-10, 10:54 PM.
              "Just Another Jeepin Guy"

