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What CB for bumpy roads?

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  • What CB for bumpy roads?

    I've been using my Galaxy CB/10meter radios in the Jeep since I already had them. They sound great(when they are working right), recieve great(when they are working right) Have all sorts of doodads and are really neat looking radios.

    The problem with Galaxy radios is that they are easily damaged internally, knocked off frequency etc in an off road environment. The guy at the CB shop knows me because I'm always getting one of them fixed.

    I think that I need to get a better built CB with less to go wrong. But I do use SSB ocasionally. The cheaper/tougher radios are AM only.

    Do I just forget about SSB and get a AM only CB that won't break every trip?

    Whats every body else using and has it given you any trouble?

  • #2
    I'm cheap when it comes to electronics for the Jeep. They break a lot.
    I've had a Radio Shack CB for 14+ years without a problem. Yea it doesn't have all the bells and whistles that others have but it still works.


    • #3
      Same here. I got my Uniden bare bones cb at Frys for about $50 and it works well. Ive been down some bumpy roads and never had any failures. To be honest I hardly ever use it. 2m is much clearer. =)
      Those left standing
      Will make millions
      Writing books on ways
      It should have been
      -Incubus "Warning"


      • #4
        My first two CB radios were a Cobra 25 and a Cobra 19. They worked great but each only lasted about a year in an off-road environment. I've had a Uniden PRO520XL for almost three years. It is a very basic CB but it works well and it didn't cost very much.
        If you don't like the way I drive, stay out of the bushes!


        • #5
          I have a uniden 520xl in my jeep that my dad used to have mounted in his XJ years ago. He still had the receipt, which was dated 1993. Still works perfectly fine.


          • #6

            Are you using SSB while driving?? I haven't messed with CB-SSB for decades but I remember always having to re-tune. Kinda tough while on the trail!

            Uniden radios are being built very well. You might want to consider one of them.

            SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
            MJR moderator
            MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
            Jeep Patrol Leader
            Reforestation Supervisor
            Licensed Ham - n6ujm
            Eagle Scout


            • #7
              Originally posted by Roger View Post

              Are you using SSB while driving??
              Not so much now. There are a few local guys running 38LSB that I talk to at night sometimes. Sometimes when the skip is rolling I will flip to LSB(Nobody is on USB)and try to make a contact.


              • #8
                Add me to the list of people with the Uniden 520XL.

                It just keeps working and I paid $40 for it at Fry's.

                "People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid." - Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)


                • #9
                  I remembered that I had some CB's in a closet so I dug them out. I found my first "Big" radio. An older Cobra 29 Classic.

                  I took it to the CB radio guy in the van and he got it working. He said that the Cobra's are a better choice for a Jeep than the fragile Galaxy's.

                  I have not really used it any yet other than a radio check. We will see how it does. It's just not fancy like the others are.


                  • #10

                    I have a Cobra 135XLR base with a Cobra amplified desk mike. This is the big one.

                    I also have a Tram D62 mobile radio.

                    Both of these Radios are usb/lsb.

                    I'll never do anything with them, but if you are interested in them, you can come look at them & make me an offer.
                    Last edited by Roger; 05-02-10, 07:28 PM.
                    SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
                    MJR moderator
                    MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
                    Jeep Patrol Leader
                    Reforestation Supervisor
                    Licensed Ham - n6ujm
                    Eagle Scout


                    • #11
                      another vote for Uniden and has held up well


                      • #12
                        Never had a problem with my Galaxy 979. Clear as day TX/RX.
                        My Jeep cost's me more than my wife...


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by chris142 View Post
                          I've been using my Galaxy CB/10meter radios in the Jeep since I already had them. They sound great(when they are working right), recieve great(when they are working right) Have all sorts of doodads and are really neat looking radios.

                          The problem with Galaxy radios is that they are easily damaged internally, knocked off frequency etc in an off road environment. The guy at the CB shop knows me because I'm always getting one of them fixed.

                          I think that I need to get a better built CB with less to go wrong. But I do use SSB ocasionally. The cheaper/tougher radios are AM only.

                          Do I just forget about SSB and get a AM only CB that won't break every trip?

                          Whats every body else using and has it given you any trouble?
                          Go with a Cobra 148 GTL based chassis radio if you want a SSB rig that is tough as nails. Fact,.. while the Galaxy is great DX class euro release radio you are right it is not bump and bang trail friendly or good for the OTR truck driver with a tractor that rides like crap. The old tried and true am rig is the Cobra 29 and same with a bullet proof ssb version is the Cobra 148 GTL

                          Back in the day of these rigs popularity they were as stout as can be and good bang for the buck. Such rigs then were made by Dynascan corporation and in later parts of the 80s some of them were made in different parts of the world but the basic chassis was the,same including power(finals)transisitors, audio chip, PLL chip and so on. Many other brand names with minor internal changes like, Uniden,President, Grant, Radio Shack and others were all on the same radio Chassis as was the Cobra 2000 base station which was a glorified 148 GTL with a lesser PLL which was an easy swap to the MB8719 to get you channels above 40 and below 1 and such.

                          If you want to just talk to the jeep in front of you when your radio works right then go to radio shack and spend sixty bucks for a cheap throw away rig and when it's done,'s done throw it away. Otherwise find one of the older rigs as just mentioned and be done with it. I have been running a 148/Grant for over twenty years and like I said,.. bullet proof.
                          Last edited by Matt2001TJ; 05-07-10, 11:03 PM.
                          "Just Another Jeepin Guy"


                          • #14
                            I've got a Cobra 148F. It's the rare one with a built in frequency counter. I've never had it in the jeep.

                            I've been running my Cobra 29 for a few weeks and it works good. But I can hear guys on SSB and can't talk to them with this radio.

                            Call me crazy but my Galaxy 959 CB is my favorite radio.Tonight I resoldered some connections and got it working again so it's back in the jeep.

                            I was thinking of putting my Galaxy 99V back in but people complain that they cant understand me when I'm using it, but I take it in and we can't find anything wrong with it.

                            My 959 is really clean sounding. Best sounding radio I have and it recieves much better than the 99 or 29.

