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Here are a few pics forom our trip to Zoo Atlanta. Very tough trying to shoot thru glass and plexiglass windows. A tripod would be a smart way to go too . A fun day.
Some cool pics you ended up with. Looks like some neat creatures are there. I will have toss this one out there cause I think it is cool... I designed the elephant drinking founatins that you may not see (if done right) for the LA Zoo Elephant exhibit. 10 were in their barn and two were built into rock walls out in the publics eye. Drew them up on AutoCAD and sent them to fab at Phillips Steel out of Long Beach. Crazy 10" stainless steel tube with a wye branch cut and mitered around another 10" stainless tube then welded together. They use a float device kinda llike your toilet to fill it up when they drink out of them. All welds had to be inspected to make sure their trunks did not get cut on them. Large 4" cleanouts/valves were installed at the bottom to clear debris. Fun times and noone really knows how those giant animals get their water at a Zoo...