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Non-Jeep Photography


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  • #76
    Very Cool Photo!
    "I got your Jeep Thing....Now it burns when I pee!" :fire:


    • #77
      Originally posted by 4point View Post
      This one is just odd, not great photography just odd. Its a gorilla, see it?
      That's awesome! I can so see a gorilla in that rock. So where is the Valley of Fire? (Making the assumption from the file name of the pic)

      I have finally stopped drinking for good.
      Now I drink for evil..... :devil:


      • #78
        Barb likes the new camera. It's still giving her problems figuring things out, but she hasn't really had time to read the manual just yet.

        I'm writing this to ask...

        Good quality macro lens and external flash for the Rebel XT? Barb takes a ton of macro pictures and the lens that came with it either doesn't take them OR she just hasn't figured out how just yet... The built in flash washes out the pictures, not sure how to fix that yet either.

        Kurt! bring your brain to IDTT.
        [COLOR="darkred"]"Death Smiles at Everyone... Marines Smile Back."
        Adopt-a-Trail Member.[/COLOR]


        • #79
          Originally posted by USMC 0369 View Post
          Barb likes the new camera. It's still giving her problems figuring things out, but she hasn't really had time to read the manual just yet.

          I'm writing this to ask...

          Good quality macro lens and external flash for the Rebel XT? Barb takes a ton of macro pictures and the lens that came with it either doesn't take them OR she just hasn't figured out how just yet... The built in flash washes out the pictures, not sure how to fix that yet either.

          Kurt! bring your brain to IDTT.
          The reason your washing out the shot is that it's over exposed. The flash is not shutting down quick enough when your that close to the subject. Try a smaller aperture or put a filter on the flash. It can be difficult to do macro with the built in flash. Most macro guys use the twin flash or flash ring. I have not heard good things about the ring.
          Check out .


          • #80
            Originally posted by 4point View Post
            This one is just odd, not great photography just odd. Its a gorilla, see it?
            That's a great shot. Were you using a filter?
            Check out .


            • #81
              Originally posted by USMC 0369 View Post
              Barb likes the new camera. It's still giving her problems figuring things out, but she hasn't really had time to read the manual just yet.

              I'm writing this to ask...

              Good quality macro lens and external flash for the Rebel XT? Barb takes a ton of macro pictures and the lens that came with it either doesn't take them OR she just hasn't figured out how just yet... The built in flash washes out the pictures, not sure how to fix that yet either.

              Kurt! bring your brain to IDTT.
              No prob. If she's using the 14/50mm lens that came with the camera it's not a macro lens. The flash has settings for close up shots, delays, etc. I'll show her all that at IDTT, or she can call me if she doesn't want to wiat that long. I'll pm my #.
              [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
              [/COLOR]Join the Resistance...


              • #82
                Originally posted by Malachi View Post
                That's awesome! I can so see a gorilla in that rock. So where is the Valley of Fire? (Making the assumption from the file name of the pic)
                Valley of Fire State Park, its NE of Las Vegas south of the Logandale 4wd area.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by dirtman13 View Post
                  That's a great shot. Were you using a filter?
                  No, no filter. I did adjust the color though. My camera is a cheapie and completely washed out all of the photo's I took that day. I adjusted the color to what is close to actual, but kinda screwed up the clouds and sky.


                  • #84
                    Good Morning Long Beach

                    [COLOR=black]This is one of the first pictures I took with my new Olympus E-510. It was taken on the roof of my building looking towards Belmont Shores and Huntington Beach. First impressions are I really like this camera. Still trying to learn all the features and what is the best set up. I also need to get a macro lens and I’ll be set.[/COLOR]
                    Check out .


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by rat patrol View Post
                      No prob. If she's using the 14/50mm lens that came with the camera it's not a macro lens. The flash has settings for close up shots, delays, etc. I'll show her all that at IDTT, or she can call me if she doesn't want to wiat that long. I'll pm my #.
                      Kurt, Barb's being stubborn, as usual. She likes to learn things on her own. but I will ensure the camera comes to IDTT! Today, she figured out how to shut off the flash, but not the delay or up close shots.

                      This is for everyone: When I purchased this camera, I found out at the last minute that the lens that came with it was PLASTIC! I have no idea if that's good or bad, but I upgraded to a glass lens. The reason I'm asking you guys is because you know better than I do what a good macro & zoom lens would be. I'd like to get them delivered before IDTT (times ticking) so any help please!! Also, macro flash?

                      THANKS for the help! Ya'll Rock.
                      [COLOR="darkred"]"Death Smiles at Everyone... Marines Smile Back."
                      Adopt-a-Trail Member.[/COLOR]


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by USMC 0369 View Post
                        Kurt, Barb's being stubborn, as usual. She likes to learn things on her own. but I will ensure the camera comes to IDTT! Today, she figured out how to shut off the flash, but not the delay or up close shots.

                        This is for everyone: When I purchased this camera, I found out at the last minute that the lens that came with it was PLASTIC! I have no idea if that's good or bad, but I upgraded to a glass lens. The reason I'm asking you guys is because you know better than I do what a good macro & zoom lens would be. I'd like to get them delivered before IDTT (times ticking) so any help please!! Also, macro flash?

                        THANKS for the help! Ya'll Rock.
                        For the price this is a HELL of a good lens. Comparble Canon lenses of this typpe are $600+ I use this same lens with fantastic results.
                        [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
                        [/COLOR]Join the Resistance...


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by USMC 0369 View Post
                          I found out at the last minute that the lens that came with it was PLASTIC! I have no idea if that's good or bad, but I upgraded to a glass lens.
                          THANKS for the help! Ya'll Rock.
                          There is debate about plastic lenses. Most pros will steer clear of them, I don't use them because they supposedly scratch way easier (I don't know for sure, but why find out)? and don't refract light as well as glass. Cost-wise, I don't see that big a difference, so I stay with the glass lenses.

                          [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
                          [/COLOR]Join the Resistance...


                          • #88
                            did you take their course?
                            [COLOR="darkred"]"Death Smiles at Everyone... Marines Smile Back."
                            Adopt-a-Trail Member.[/COLOR]


                            • #89
                              Nick, Check out this site for some good reading on macro photography. I would suggest a high mm lens that will give Barb two benefits. 1. Able to take shots at a further distance which, is good for insects and such and 2. Will help with the overexposure from the flash. I just purchased a 70mm-300mm with a macro extension tube. This also gives you the ability to use some of your lenses as macro lenses. With an extension tube and a good lens you can some times achieve closer then 1:1. And, is much cheaper way to go.
                              Check out .


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by dirtman13 View Post
                                Nick, Check out this site for some good reading on macro photography. I would suggest a high mm lens that will give Barb two benefits. 1. Able to take shots at a further distance which, is good for insects and such and 2. Will help with the overexposure from the flash. I just purchased a 70mm-300mm with a macro extension tube. This also gives you the ability to use some of your lenses as macro lenses. With an extension tube and a good lens you can some times achieve closer then 1:1. And, is much cheaper way to go.
                                Awesome! Thanks for the information. I (we) have a LOT to learn about this SLR business. I appreciate the less expensive way to go info too.

                                Hope this helps solve her dilema(s).
                                [COLOR="darkred"]"Death Smiles at Everyone... Marines Smile Back."
                                Adopt-a-Trail Member.[/COLOR]

