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speedometer replacement


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  • speedometer replacement

    I just bought a 88YJ and having only onwned a 04 TJ, it is a whole new bag of worms. First, I bought a new speedo cable, but where does it run and what is the easiest way to replace it?

    Second, the heater fan makes an awful whining noise, do I need to replace it or possibly lubricate some moving parts?

    Any help would be appreciated!



  • #2
    As for the speedo cable, Id unhook it from the gauge cluster and just follow it to the speedo gear and then just run your new one the same way. As for the fan, im not too sure, just be careful around it especially if its on, been there done that, not fun...
    |90 XJ|4.0|AX-15|NP231|RE H&T|TnT Y-Link|RE Coils|BOR Leaves|ACOS|D30/Aussie|8.8/ARB|35" Kevlar MTRs|Custom Exo,Sliders,Bumpers|

    !!! !!!


    • #3
      Hey Allen he said heater fan not engine fan. By the way hows your finger?

      Hey Dentist,
      I cant recall on a YJ heater but if it is like a CJ the whole heater housing has to be unbolt from under the dash and pulled out to replace the motor. On a CJ the end of the heater motor is inside the engine comparament under the battery tray if yours is like that then you can hit it with some lube but that would be only a temp fix.

      Originally posted by swbooking
      As for the speedo cable, Id unhook it from the gauge cluster and just follow it to the speedo gear and then just run your new one the same way. As for the fan, im not too sure, just be careful around it especially if its on, been there done that, not fun...


      • #4
        See thats what happens when your doing 20 things at a time... I dont pay attention. Sorry about that one, but reguardless still not fun haha.
        The fingers ok... I dont have a nail on the middle finger and it looks ugly as hell but it should all grow back good, just got to wait like 5 more months to see haha.
        |90 XJ|4.0|AX-15|NP231|RE H&T|TnT Y-Link|RE Coils|BOR Leaves|ACOS|D30/Aussie|8.8/ARB|35" Kevlar MTRs|Custom Exo,Sliders,Bumpers|

        !!! !!!


        • #5
          Thats how you got the finger in the 1st place not paying attention.

          Originally posted by swbooking
          See thats what happens when your doing 20 things at a time... I dont pay attention. Sorry about that one, but reguardless still not fun haha.


          • #6
            EXACTLY... So I guess this just solves all my problems. I need to pay more attention. Thanks Man... haha
            |90 XJ|4.0|AX-15|NP231|RE H&T|TnT Y-Link|RE Coils|BOR Leaves|ACOS|D30/Aussie|8.8/ARB|35" Kevlar MTRs|Custom Exo,Sliders,Bumpers|

            !!! !!!


            • #7
              Think I can feel that your puting that middle finger with no nail up for me right now.


              • #8
                HAHAHAHA I should post some pics of it before when i did it and now, but i know ill just get flamed cause it was a stupid thing to do. Ill have my girlfriend e-mail me the pic right now.
                |90 XJ|4.0|AX-15|NP231|RE H&T|TnT Y-Link|RE Coils|BOR Leaves|ACOS|D30/Aussie|8.8/ARB|35" Kevlar MTRs|Custom Exo,Sliders,Bumpers|

                !!! !!!


                • #9
                  much thanks

                  I appreciate your help, I will tackle the cable tommorow. Since the heater fan is only $60, i should just replace it...damn..cuts into my winch money...ha..ha



                  • #10
                    well when you're spending $400-1200 (Winches are expesinve!) on a winch...$60 is not a massive amount. And you dont NEED a winch ^.^ Just a buddy and a good recovery kit.
                    WTF Mate?

                    Confucious Say: He who stand on high on pot.

                    (HllllllllH) vroom VROOM

