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I am on my 4th ARB locker now... and an ARB Bull Bar... and ARB fridge... and ARB dual compressor... and 2 ARB camp chairs... (one actually now because I forgot to secure 1 properly and it bounced out of my storage rack) oh well.. 1 ARB diff cover for my Dana 44... and am trying to get an ARB diff cover for my 8.8 now... who knows...
I highly recommend having the splice kit. It only takes a few minute to fix a cracked or broken line, on the trail. I did the AC pump OBA, to run my locker, and air up the tires. Only cost about $150 to set it all up.
I've now owned two Superflow air compressor for my onboard air and they have both taken a crap. Can't get any help from Q industries, sent three emails and one phone call with no response. Converting over to all ARB.
get the dual ARB compressors. The system is sweet. I had one relay go down... on one of the compressors (water got in it from washing the engine bay) and ARB sent me several more no questions asked. The other compressor worked fine and was enough to ensure I could still use my lockers and it just took more time to air up after.
get the dual ARB compressors. The system is sweet. I had one relay go down... on one of the compressors (water got in it from washing the engine bay) and ARB sent me several more no questions asked. The other compressor worked fine and was enough to ensure I could still use my lockers and it just took more time to air up after.
A friend has that system and it is pretty impressive. I like the back-up idea.
Just an update: I did decide to go with the ARB. I had my shop (JPI) order the parts + Viair OBA today. I can't wait to see what all of you are bragging about!
I was in an ARB dealer meeting conducted by ARB & they left no doubt that they only recommend their standard blue airline. When asked why they carry the heavy duty stuff if they don't recommend it, they laughed & said it's only for those who insisted on something heavier because they can't believe that a standard-duty anything is strong enough for what they do.
They know precisely how dumb Americans are, it doesn't matter the standard lines are recommended, they must not be as good because they don't cost more!:bonk:
"A nation that makes a great distinction between its scholars and its warriors will have its laws made by cowards and its wars fought by fools" -Thucydides