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Engine wants to start but....

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  • #16
    I have AAA so i get five tows so many months. This guy did my brakes and calipars plus brake booster was failing last year and everything is still in good condition and working fine. Usually i ask to see the old parts like when the first repairs were done. I was going to ask if it was a rebiult or new he said the part alone cost 350 and labor was 65 an hr. I will be all over this guy like a cheap suit if it goes south I'm not to keen on letting anyone work on my rig i try and do these things myself. Time was against me to much going on during the week with work and hiring meetings and other duties.


    • #17
      Tell the repair guy that IF it was his doing you want payment for the tow cause it's his "doing".
      Like to see just what went "south" this time.
      I would want to be there when they dig into it if it was mine.
      Hav'n you along, is like loose'n 2 good men....


      • #18
        It's not always the mechanics fault. We get bad parts every so often just like anyone else. If it were a reputable place and not somewhere like Panchos tires and engine they most likely will do the diag and refund your tow or put it towards the repair. I know at our dealer we do it


        • #19
          NO, not the mech's fault, UNLESS he knew it was China type(second or third line)junk, BTDT...........
          To dang many so called "shops" cut-corners this way.
          Hav'n you along, is like loose'n 2 good men....


          • #20
            This guy is pretty reputable and is a straight shooter but sometimes the hooligans in the back are goofin off or cuttin corners to save a buck but i had some major work done last year and the owner showed me the old parts as i watched then work on it. This time i could not wait while it was being worked on. I have the paper work that was done and i just hope he doesnt try and find something to charge me cause now he is loosin money on a mistake some shops can pull some thin like this and i'm not blind to my jeep totally : ) some parts a deffective yes understandable I do recall him sayin that this part was from a dealer and is coated with some chemical that withstands being submerged in gasoline. Just sucks cause he opens at 8 and i open my business at 7 i hope for his sake he makes this good.


            • #21
              It's bot only china parts that fail. I put a new turbo on a Mazda speed 3 and as per Mazdas warranty request I put a new OE high pressure pump on it and after everything was put together and ready to be fired up the High Pressure Pump was defective which was not China made it was Japan made OE replacement part.


              • #22
                The only automotive part I've had fail off the shelf was a Stant radiator cap. That said, I've had more than my share of electronic components fail before installation. Some to the point that you wonder if the OEM even has a QC program. It seems to be that the more important it is to have it work, the more likely it is for the new component to be bad out of the box.
                God forgives, rocks don't
                -sons of thunder


                • #23
                  Just a quick update on this bump in the road, i had it towed in this morning and watched him for a half hour and the mechanic preasure tested it and nothing then he crawled under the rear driver were the fuel filter is and was ujusting something lines maybe i could not see nor did i speak spanish. lol but he came up checked a few more times and it fired up stayed runnin and he terst drove it and i was off to work. Hopefully it will pass the next two days then a week and so on....


                  • #24
                    I would be ask'n just WHAT was found that wasn't "right", that caused YOU to come in on the "hook".
                    Hav'n you along, is like loose'n 2 good men....


                    • #25
                      There was a plastic type clip that is on the end of the fuel filter line that was broken and was not seating right but all is well and it has been runnin great for 207 on the ticker. Gettin her painted next week : ) the wife offered to pay for a paint job woohooo!! I have three different colors going on and one is unwanted which is peeling on the roof.

