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I've got the Death Wobble

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  • #31
    Originally posted by sarah
    ooook, death wobble has not yet ceased. anybody got a track bar they're not usin??
    Stock :confused:
    Ya Savvy?

    Motech Performance


    • #32
      Originally posted by Dukes69
      Stock :confused:
      I Have the one off the rubicon . It is actually setup for about an 1" to 1 1/2" of lift , it has a deeper bend than most tjs. finding lots of little differences in the rubicon .


      • #33
        Originally posted by jim79cj7
        I Have the one off the rubicon . It is actually setup for about an 1" to 1 1/2" of lift , it has a deeper bend than most tjs. finding lots of little differences in the rubicon .
        I think thats the lift she has

        SARAH!!!! YAY!
        Ya Savvy?

        Motech Performance


        • #34
          sometimes a plan DOES come together

          95 yj, locked lifted, and ready to rock!


          • #35
            Originally posted by jim79cj7
            yes ............ Whats in it for me ?
            how about a hookup on some bitchin' window stickers!?
            :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:


            • #36
              Originally posted by sarah
              how about a hookup on some bitchin' window stickers!?
              hey, that reminds me

              95 yj, locked lifted, and ready to rock!


              • #37
                Jim, it's got to be a good deal, she used the "bitchin" to describe them!

                Is this the last thing that you need to try to isolate the Death Wobble??


                • #38
                  yes, this is the last hope of trying to fix it. brian said he had to do it when he had the lift. (i got the springs and spacers from him) i'm convinced it will fix it. as for the balancing, that needed to be done too. just empty every pocket. lol
                  :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by sarah
                    just empty every pocket. lol
                    Aint that the truth
                    SAVE JOHNSON VALLEY!!! - CLICK HERE
                    Ya Savvy?

                    Motech Performance


                    • #40
                      Unfortunately I am the king of death wobble and have had it proabbaly ten times in the time I have had my jeep. I have had it for a ton of different reasons so if it doesn't work it self out ask me caus eI have seen it all....


                      • #41
                        ok, sorry to keep bringing this thread back up - anyone have a quick & affordable fix for my lovely trackbar problem? looking for an adjustable and i have a 1" spring 1" spacer lift.

                        where should i get one?
                        :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:


                        • #42
                          Go back in time and see my previous post above . not adjustable but .................

                          JIM :{>


                          • #43
                            NO! I'm the king of the dreaded death wobble!

                            I've had my 2000 TJ since Nov 2000. I bought it with only 50 miles on the clock. Now I have 147k miles and running strong! I've had death wobble for about 2 years. The first year it only occured 4-6 times. I replaced the steering stabilizer with a Rancho (helped a little bit) then immediately with a SkyJacker brand and it went away...sort of. I was running black steel wheels at the time. I bought a set of alloys, DW was gone. Maybe because they're lighter and didn't aggravate the suspension and produce the DW?

                            The last month or two of the 2nd year it was happening every other bump on the freeway! It was sccccarrry! I couldn't go anywhere without it happening!

                            Here's what I've changed out:

                            steering stabilizer (x2)
                            steel wheels (x2)
                            NEW RS9000's
                            alloy wheels

                            Here's the fix:

                            It turned out to be the rubber bushing on the track bar, axle-end. It's "pressed in". Mine was a teraflex adjustable track bar but it's the same rubber bushing as an OEM track bar. When I got mine from Teraflex, they were still using RUBBER bushings. They sent me a polyeurathane replacement in the mail. I couldn't wait a week for it to arrive so I called Energy Suspension in San Clemente. A rep there gave me one for free.

                            It was a real PITA to get that pressed bushing out. But once I did and got that new poly bushing in, VOILA! NO MORE DEATH WOBBLE!

                            Here are a few pics of my severly worn, oblong track bar bushing:

                            Click here for the pics

                            If the photos don't work, cut & paste the following URL:

                            Last edited by m1jeep; 02-28-04, 12:57 PM.


                            • #44
                              Got my 4" lift on and 33's and guess what? Death wobble like crazy. Tightened front sway bars but it's still there I little. Gonna get it aligned first... then ugh who knows. (Thought I was gonna die!)
                              [COLOR=DarkOliveGreen]No Jeep To speak of. But I got a Hummer H3[/COLOR]


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by H8PVMT
                                Got my 4" lift on and 33's and guess what? Death wobble like crazy. Tightened front sway bars but it's still there I little. Gonna get it aligned first... then ugh who knows. (Thought I was gonna die!)
                                HA! that death wobble is great stuff especially on the freeway at 60-70 mph in rush hour!
                                welcome to the club!

                                95 yj, locked lifted, and ready to rock!

