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Started taking it out more so figured I should get a better bumper. I also decided to just spray paint it instead of powder coat it. This way, I can touch it up whenever.
Thanks guys! I am happy with how it turned out. I was trying not to go the cookie cutter way (all black). So, I did a two-tone. It was either white or red. Figured if I didn't like it I would just paint it all black then. No biggy. Here is a picture taken with the camera not my cell. Little better. I ordered the 6" stainless steel Dick Cepek 130W lights. Hole on each side on top, so I just need to mount them.
Nice bumper. Plenty of protection and room for a winch. Good to hear that you are going out a bunch. Might have to post some pictures of those trails for us. What's the world coming to? First it's Kevin with his HUGE PINK CLEVIS, and now Ron has a CUTE WHITE STRINGER. Come on guys, get out the paint cans.
Nice bumper. Plenty of protection and room for a winch. Good to hear that you are going out a bunch. Might have to post some pictures of those trails for us. What's the world coming to? First it's Kevin with his HUGE PINK CLEVIS, and now Ron has a CUTE WHITE STRINGER. Come on guys, get out the paint cans.
Thanks Mitch! Just another step to looking more like a rock crawler