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Overheating Problems

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  • Overheating Problems

    Yesterday I went mudding and got stuck pretty bad, when I was stuck anti freeze was coming out and it was bubbling, also there was smoke coming from my engine. I refilled it with anti freeze yesterday but, today I left my Jeep running for 30 minutes on my lunch break at work, and my engine overheated and all the anti freeze was gone. Any suggestions on what to do?

  • #2
    Sounds like a head gasket. Check your plugs and see if any are wet. Run your finger in the exhaust and smell it for anti freeze.


    • #3
      Check your radiator, it might simply be packed with mud and need a good pressure washing.
      The Geezer Jeep:


      • #4
        Originally posted by Jerry Bransford View Post
        Check your radiator, it might simply be packed with mud and need a good pressure washing.
        X2 Check all the easy common things 1'st.Be sure to refill with it running and untill thermostat opens,to be sure you get air out.I park my front tires on blocks so its nose up,it helps get the air out.
        Dennis and Tammy
        Its as much fun getting dirty as it is being dirty in a Jeep!


        • #5
          x3. Check your oil. See if you have coolant in the oil? Second, it could be your thermostat. Take off the cap and see if the coolant is flowing after it warms up to see if the t-stat is opening? If it is good there, it could be your radiator cap? Last, is the coolant itself. Might be time for a flush.

          After all this, then I would look at the head gasket. It could be burning it and not loosing it in the oil.


          • #6
            Smoke out of the exhaust, fluid bubling, no its a head gasket. Kevin


            • #7
              He said smoke coming from the engine, not exhaust.

              You maybe ok. Again, those items I listed are cheap (less than $20). Check those first.


              • #8
                Blow all mud out of the radiator and when you add antifreeze make sure its a 50/50 mix of antifreeze and water. If that doesn't cure your problem, then make sure the thermostat opens still blows the coolant out its time to pull the head off


                • #9
                  I removed and washed my radiator (which was caked with mud). I think I solved the problem


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ChrisJ13 View Post
                    I removed and washed my radiator (which was caked with mud). I think I solved the problem
                    Flush the system to get all the crap "coolant" out of your motor too. Not just your radiator.


                    • #11
                      How do I flush it?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by ChrisJ13 View Post
                        How do I flush it?
                        Red neck way is to disconnect the radiator hose (top one), remove radiator cap. Put the hose where the radiator cap was (turn water on low). As the Jeep heats up, the hose disconnected will spit out the bad crap as the hose in the radiator cap is putting new water in. Use a bucket for the bad crap to go into.


                        Go to Autozone or Walmart and they sell a kit. I think it is $10. It connects to your garden hose.
                        Last edited by Jeep4cern; 08-09-09, 09:45 AM.


                        • #13
                          Is it hard to disconnect the stuff?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ChrisJ13 View Post
                            Is it hard to disconnect the stuff?
                            Ummmm no. Screw driver or socket for top hose. Unhook it from the radiator. Then remove radiator cap. Put hose in radiator cap on low. Start jeep up. This should have taken you 5-7min. Get a bucket for the water/coolant coming out of the radiator hose. Your done when the fluid is clear from radiator hose. Then drain some from radiator and fill will coolant. Try to get a 50-50 mix. PM me if you need more detail.

                            *If you have no radiator cap, you have a sealed unit. You need to remove two hoses then. Put garden hose in one (not the t-stat side).
                            Last edited by Jeep4cern; 08-11-09, 10:41 AM.


                            • #15
                              You may have the "squeeze on" type hose clamps if they have never been changed. In which case a pair of pliers will loosen them so you can move them back and remove hoses.

                              If you have removed your radiator as stated above... you have already done this.

                              Just my :2:


