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Quick axle help needed

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  • Quick axle help needed

    I took the DJ to 4Wheel Parts and they said the rear driver axle was bent. I had to wait to talk to the manager on Monday who said the rear axle was under warranty and ordered me a replacement. I just got it today - it's from Alloy USA. Per Max's help, he suggested I take it to Napa to have them seat the bearings. I dropped it off after work and they are supposed to do it tomorrow morning.
    My issue is that I just read over the description from PeteyG on what was truly added to the DJ and I think the axle is different than what I received. Here is the description:
    "You got Genuine Gear front and rear axle assemblies with the new G2 33-Spline rear alloy axle shafts and a 33-spline rear OX locker. The front axle is stuffed full of Alloy USA axles and the new Alloy USA u-Joints. The gears are 5.13"

    I am confused and can't find anything online about the G2 axle. Are they different? Is the Alloy USA not going to work? How do I find out if the Genuine Gear has a warranty? help....please

  • #2
    Hi Julie, saw your vehicle at Kaizer Mondy but didn't see you. I don't know much about Jeep ax;es, but the most important thing would be the spline count, 33 and the lenght of the axle. If they are the same you should be good to go, Kevin.


    • #3

      Kevin is correct, it is the spline count that is important. As long as they gave you the correct side (driver) you should be OK. Slight difference in length from driver to passenger. I hope that you get this handled so that we can see you back on the trail.



      • #4

        Reading on line the results from a "Google" search: ("G2" axles) it states in an article from JP Magazine that "the G2 axles are Genuine Gear's upper-echelon" high strengh axles with some special features. These are top of the line axles and although the Alloy USA axles are warrantied and would work, they are not the same quality as the G2's, if I'm reading this right. Sounds like they are trying to save some money. Just my opinion.

        Last edited by Mitch; 02-19-09, 08:15 AM.


        • #5
          Thanks guys, I will call napa and have them not do the bearings until I can get a hold of 4 wheel to figure out what is going on.


          • #6
            Well the axle is wrong - it is a 30 spline Alloy. 4 Wheel Parts is gonna send me a call tag to return it and then will be sending me the G2 replacement. The manager was very shocked that I bent the G2. So, the DJ will be sitting for a bit longer! 4 Wheel Parts Redondo Beach has been great with this so far! It is difficult since no one has a write up of the specs on my Jeep.
            Wow! The manager just called from 4 Wheel Parts and said it'll take about 4 days to get the G2 so he's got some other Alloy in stock that would be stronger and better that he will send me. I asked if he could seat the bearings before sending it to me and he said he will do that for me. Sweet!!!
            I'll let you guys know when I get the new axle and am taking volunteers to switch it out for me!! (local only please)
            (my bro is tied up at work for awhile and won't have time to help out)


            • #7
              You need a new brother. He can't make a little time for his sis?? What the heck!! (just kidding of course)
              SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
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              • #8
                you need to get yourself some tools and learn how this stuff work, Julie.
                it is an hour job, and one you should know how to do if you are going to drive your jeep on the rocks.

                95 yj, locked lifted, and ready to rock!


                • #9
                  Was the flange bent, or the axle shaft? I'm just curious because I've heard the G2 stuff is way tough, but if you bent an axle that easily, maybe not so tough. Alloys have done well by me.
                  [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
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                  • #10
                    Originally posted by NAILER341 View Post
                    you need to get yourself some tools and learn how this stuff work, Julie.
                    it is an hour job, and one you should know how to do if you are going to drive your jeep on the rocks.
                    i know the basics on how to maintain a vehicle unfortunately don't have the strength to do half the stuff being that my back is held together by titanium bolts & rods. i am actually thinking of selling the DJ...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by rat patrol View Post
                      Was the flange bent, or the axle shaft? I'm just curious because I've heard the G2 stuff is way tough, but if you bent an axle that easily, maybe not so tough. Alloys have done well by me.
                      I have no idea. The tech at 4 Wheel said he was rolling the wheels while it was on the lift and could see the driver wheel rolling all over - definitely not straight. I'll know more when someone changes out the axle for me.


                      • #12
                        why would you be selling your jeep? going to get a buggy?

                        95 yj, locked lifted, and ready to rock!


                        • #13
                          wanting to get a RZR and go back to quads...a lot cheaper and something easy for me to maintain on my own.


                          • #14
                            i thought you were going to compete with the DJ?

                            95 yj, locked lifted, and ready to rock!


                            • #15
                              A RZR wont be any better for your back. Worse I would think..
                              Those left standing
                              Will make millions
                              Writing books on ways
                              It should have been
                              -Incubus "Warning"

