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Here are some pics of dash mods...take a gander. These are just a couple of the many things I've done, another thing I've done is mount my CB under the arm rest lid...so it is tucked in the rest for a clean look.
Redneck small talk:
D'jeet? No, d'ju? Yump-to? Aiaght.
Hey jimmyrig...I'll see what I can do to get more and better quality pics for you. swbooking, I really like your pods...very nice! Also I mounted my CB under the armrest pad lid....If I can I'll try to get a good pic of it too.
Redneck small talk:
D'jeet? No, d'ju? Yump-to? Aiaght.
Yeah i dont have an armrest, so i mounted mine where your guages are, does it bug you to look down there for your guages? I guess its not like a Speed O, or Tach or anything so its not like you have to be looking at it all the time... I hate the fuel guages we have haha it so massive, its like thanks Jeep i know i have crappy milage with my 32s and no gearing hahaha
Not yet - I have new cameras (waterproof) and the mounts and the motors - Just have to put it all together - will have a toggle switch inside to control them.
Using mirror switches to control them.
oh man...thats so cool! I saw a right up on the jeeputer on stus offroad page and really liked it...i like how you have the dual screens though too! Thats really cool man!