1. How many volts would you say would be good for a cordless drill? 18? 24? or would you say skip the cordless drill and get a drill press?
2. Is a 4 1/2 agle grinder a good size? mostly ill be doing small fab stuff for now.
3. Chop saw, how many amps? and it seems 14 inch is pretty popular so i think ill being getting that size. What brands do you guys and gals have and how do you like them?
4. any other tools that you cant live without when fabbing your own stuff....besides a welder
2. Is a 4 1/2 agle grinder a good size? mostly ill be doing small fab stuff for now.
3. Chop saw, how many amps? and it seems 14 inch is pretty popular so i think ill being getting that size. What brands do you guys and gals have and how do you like them?
4. any other tools that you cant live without when fabbing your own stuff....besides a welder
