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Well Curtis if you don't mind a bit of body damage, just forgo armor all together is what this guy did.
Nice nimble Jeep and it has character. By the way it looks worse now. This is an old picture
My Jeep would look like that by now without it's armor. But it's nimble fer shure
I like that alot.
When I flopped my Jeep last month, the Genright flares were scratched from unflopping her with Jonah's winch. The tub was fine. I did have the body taco from being on her lid just below the cowl in front of the door opening though. That is more from the ORFAB sport cage vs. a full cage going to the floor. The body rippled underneath or behind the rock slider. No clue how to get my full doors back on now either...
When I flopped my Jeep last month, the Genright flares were scratched from unflopping her with Jonah's winch. The tub was fine. I did have the body taco from being on her lid just below the cowl in front of the door opening though. That is more from the ORFAB sport cage vs. a full cage going to the floor. The body rippled underneath or behind the rock slider. No clue how to get my full doors back on now either...
Some judicious work with a portapower should get it all to fit again
I made up a couple of stainless steel corners. The 18 gauge seems to be pretty strong. They're easy to make, but aluminum would be much easier to work with. If I smash these I'll try some thick aluminum.
Looking Good Mike, you just need some LED's on them now to finish up the job
I've thought about putting some on, just can't find a set that has back up. side lighting and a licence plate light all in one - that dosen't cost several hundred $'s. Any suggestions.
I made up a couple of stainless steel corners. The 18 gauge seems to be pretty strong. They're easy to make, but aluminum would be much easier to work with. If I smash these I'll try some thick aluminum.