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Dog Man, out of curiosity, I'm wondering why you used plate around the dash. It appears you can bend pipe (although I only see 1 bend), and have decent fabrication skills. If you look at the full a-pillar cages, there is actually a nice path behind the vents, so you don't lose any functionality by cutting a small hole in the top of the dash. Nothing needs to be removed or anything:
I am just adding on to the cage not building a new cage. took the easy way with the plate should of went through the dash but it does go to the floor just like yours. You will not see to many bends in the cage, remember every bend you do is a week spot for the cage to fail that is where most people fail when building cages... you will see alot of cages with all kinds of bends to make them look all cool but they will fail every time not a wise thing to do. I have to keep the rear seat in the jeep so I can not build the cage to race spec. still trying to get as many cross bars as I can and still have room in the rear not very easy to do... and yes I can bend tube I am 6.2 so I need the head room on the top of the cage.
You are correct that bends are usually the weak points of the cage, especially useless bends and acute angle joints. Since joints are inevitable, I would think that making certain joints using a bend (especially mandrel bends) are probably stronger than a welded together joint, especially with obtuse angles. I was thinking that you might get a little more strength with a full tube a-pillar rather than the plate. I have no idea how much, or if it's worth it.
Great looking cage though, I wish I could fabricate... I could have saved a bunch of money.
If we aren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?
Just a comment... Nice Cage but isnt the inverted V in the center of the window illegal? For a street legal Jeep, its obstructing View, Just a observation. But It looks cool. Nice Work BTW
2002 Grand Cherokee 4.7 V-8 3.5OME 5100 JK Rubi Rims
"Never argue with a fool they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."
Materdaddy yes a full tube to the a-pillar is the way to go that is stronger. as far as legal v in window just tell the chp this is to help save your life due to a crappy factory cage and have him sit in the jeep to see that it does not obstruct the view... still might get a ticket but that is up to them..
Just a comment... Nice Cage but isnt the inverted V in the center of the window illegal? For a street legal Jeep, its obstructing View, Just a observation. But It looks cool. Nice Work BTW
That would suck to get a ticket for that!
If we aren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?
I like the hair clip! It's multi-colored and shiny! :yay:
Seriously, nice work on the cage. Although I have seen them before, I still like the A-pillar plates. My "sport-cage" is a combo mix of factory, Toys by Troy and Rock Hard 4x4. I know, it's kind of a lame mix and match, but I have added to it over time and as the budget allowed.
You have motivated me to anchor the main factory hoop to the frame. I was surprised to see how easy it will be.