Hay been working like a mad man ! Let me know what you all think !
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No loss of ground clearance , 3/16 thick side plates and .095 dom tubing . I have shaped these outward in the rear to assist in moving your jeep over when getting A little to close to the BIG ROCKS . they seem to be getting a big reception . And dont forget ; 5% discount to all registered users of MYJEEPROCKS.COM !!!! The Rockinest Jeep site on the WEB !!!!
JIM :{>
JC Fab & Design

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No loss of ground clearance , 3/16 thick side plates and .095 dom tubing . I have shaped these outward in the rear to assist in moving your jeep over when getting A little to close to the BIG ROCKS . they seem to be getting a big reception . And dont forget ; 5% discount to all registered users of MYJEEPROCKS.COM !!!! The Rockinest Jeep site on the WEB !!!!
JIM :{>
JC Fab & Design